السبت، 8 أكتوبر 2011

I Learned Spanish In 2 Weeks

Why Are You Still Unable To Hold a Conversation in Spanish with a 4 ½ Year Old Child After Spending Hundreds and Hundreds of Dollars On Learning-Spanish Products?

I'd bet that one reason may be that you studied Spanish with a "commercial" course that you saw or heard advertised in the mass media – on television or on radio. A course that was not designed to teach you to converse in Spanish – but a course that was designed to provide you with an introduction to the language and to teach you some very basic Spanish.

Surely if a course was only designed to provide you with an introduction to the Spanish language and to teach you very basic Spanish, you cannot possibly expect to be conversational in Spanish after completing the course – even if you spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours studying multiple levels of that Spanish course.

He forgot to tell you that he isn't fluent in any of the 4 or 5 different foreign languages that he "speaks." He simply knows a handful of canned phrases for the waiter, hotel clerk, taxi driver or airline/airport employee for when he travels to a foreign country.

Or perhaps you learned Spanish in a classroom setting. You could have had the best Spanish instructor that money could buy. But once you stepped foot out of that classroom and entered the real world of plain ordinary Spanish speaking folks you were lost as soon as they opened their mouth and uttered a word.

You soon discovered that these Spanish speakers did not speak as CLEARLY or as SLOWLY as your Spanish instructor. And that these Spanish speakers used completely different vocabulary words than the formal or "stiff" vocabulary words that your Spanish instructor had taught you.

Follow This Perfect Course That Will Change Your Life

There are 3 reasons  why you still cannot Hold a Conversation in Spanish with a 4 ½ Year Old Child

  • You are using a Spanish course or method that was not designed to teach you to speak conversational or everyday Spanish — the type of Spanish that common everyday Spanish-speaking folks use.
  • You are using a Spanish course or a method that does not prepare you to understand regular Spanish speaking folks when they are speaking Spanish – especially when they are speaking Spanish among themselves.
  • The course, method or system that you are using does not give you the opportunity to regularly practice your Spanish with ordinary Spanish-speaking folks.

Follow This Perfect Course That Will Change Your Life

الجمعة، 7 أكتوبر 2011

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الأربعاء، 5 أكتوبر 2011

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الأحد، 2 أكتوبر 2011

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