السبت، 4 أغسطس 2012

Best Way to Teach Kids to Read

What's the best way to teach children to read? According to the National Reading Panel, "teaching children to manipulate phonemes in words was highly effective under a variety of teaching conditions with a variety of learners across a range of grade and age levels and that teaching phonemic awareness to children significantly improves their reading more than instruction that lacks any attention to Phonemic Awareness." [1] This is a statement made by the National Reading Panel (NRP) in their report titled "TEACHING CHILDREN TO READ: An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and Its Implications for Reading Instruction."

Phonemic Awareness instruction was selected for review by the NRP in their report because studies have identified phonemic awareness and letter knowledge as two of the best predictors of how well children will learn to read in their first 2 years of entering school. There is strong Scientific evidence to suggest that phonemic awareness instructions are an important part in helping children develop reading skills.

One study discussed the presence of phonemic awareness in Austrian children aged 6 to 7 that were unable to read when first entering school. This study found that many children had not one correct response in their test of a simple vowel substitution task. However, a few children who exhibited high phonemic awareness scored close to perfect on this same task. The study further stated that "there was a specific predictive relationship between initial phonemic awareness differences and success in learning to read and to spell." Even more importantly, the study indicated that it was phonemic awareness abilities, and not IQ, that predicted the accuracy of reading and spelling at the end of grade one. Children with high phonemic awareness at the beginning of grade one had high reading and spelling achievements at the end of grade one, compared to some children with low phonemic awareness who had difficulties learning to read and spell. [2]

In the National Reading Panel report, they also determined that the beneficial effects of phonemic awareness on reading lasts well beyond the period of training. While phonemic awareness instructions are proven to significantly help children learn reading, it is not a complete reading program. What it does, is provide children with a foundational knowledge base of the alphabet language. The NRP analysis also showed that phonics instructions produces significant benefits for students from kindergarten through grade 6, and is also helpful for children with learning to read difficulties.

Children who are taught with phonics and phonemic awareness instructions are consistently able to decode, read, and spell, and even demonstrated significant improvement in their ability to comprehend text. Even older children who receive these similar teachings improved their ability to decode and spell. The NRP made a key statement saying that "conventional wisdom has suggested that kindergarten students might not be ready for phonics instruction, this assumption was not supported by the data. The effects of systematic early phonics instruction were significant and substantial in kindergarten and the 1st grade, indicating that systematic phonics programs should be implemented at those age and grade levels."

However, I would like to further expand on that by saying that children as young as two years old can learn to read through phonics and phonemic awareness instructions. If a young child can speak, then they should be able to learn to read, even if they are as young as two years old. In fact, I have proven this with my own children. We started teaching our daughter at 2 years and 8months, and she was very capable at reading by the time she was just 2 years and 11 months old.

>> Click here to learn more about the simple, step-by-step phonics and phonemic awareness program we used to teach her to read.

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Affiliate Marketing Rules

So you have been wanting to get into affiliate marketing, and want to know the rules. You have your website and or blog all set up and ready to go. You have chosen your niche and market that you want to promote and make money off of. You just need links to start making money. Promoting other's services and products is not something that is difficult to do. However, you will find that with all of the many companies that offer affiliate programs, and referral options, they all have their own rules that you must follow.

Affiliate marketing is pretty easy to follow, that is unless you have many different programs that you are a part of. When you start getting so many that you cannot remember the rules, or the guidelines that you have to follow, you might have a problem. This is because the rules for affiliate programs are as different as the companies. Each company is allowed to make their own rules. However, you might see many similarities. That does not mean that they are copying one another, or cloning their affiliate program so to speak, but yet it means that they have the same rules.

Affiliate marketing rules can be so very different. They can range from not mentioning the brand names that they sell anywhere on your website, to not have that particular market in your website URL. Because they are so different for each program and company that you promote, you are going to have to be sure that you read each one well and make sure that you understand it fully. If you all ready have your URL for your website, you may not be able to participate in some of the affiliate programs. This is because you will not meet the requirements for the rules.

Another rule that you are going to see often when you are into affiliate marketing is the page rank rule. Some of the companies that will allow you to promote their services or products will not want you to have a higher page rank than they do. Nor will they allow you to have a website that is higher in the search engine rankings. For example, if you were promoting coffee, and you wanted to become an affiliate for Folgers coffee. Your website would not be able to come up above the official Folgers coffee website in the search engine results when coffee, or Folgers coffee is used as the search term. The companies that have this rule in place for their affiliate marketing programs feel as if your website were higher than theirs for the product that they are selling, that it would hurt their business tremendously. And, it just might. They would rather have the straight sales any day, than the commissioned sales. Who wouldn't?

Keeping a spreadsheet of the affiliate marketing programs that you are a part of and their rules is a great idea. This way you are never confused and know just where you need to stand to be a part of that program. This is the best thing that you can do for your affiliate marketing business. Not only that, you will also find that some of the sites that have broken rules and have been caught have resulted in law suits. Cover your tracks and make sure that you are following the rules that are set by that company for the best results.

You will also find that there is a thing that is called affiliate marketing software. If you can find a program that fits your needs and will help you keep everything straight, you may not have to worry about keeping track of them yourself. Use your software to keep track and make sure that you are doing your affiliate marketing the right way. Your efforts will pay off eventually, and you will be glad that you went by the book and followed the necessary affiliate marketing rules.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Creating Custom Brushes in Photoshop

Learn How to Use Photoshop in Just 2 Hours. Click Here For Details

Making custom brushes is one of the easiest things in the world. Seriously! I don't know why I've read some tutorials that make it out to be this multi-step, intimidating process. Creating your own brushes helps to customize both your artwork and the Photoshop work environment

The Hard Part
"But … you said this would be easy!!" Technically, yes, but I've found that some people actually reach a little stumbling block when trying to think of what would make a good brush. Well, the short answer is ANYTHING! I've made brushes out of fuzzy leopard slippers, bananas, old trash cans, fabric swatches, dirt … hundreds of things. It helps to have a scanner and/or a digital camera … that really opens up your possibilities. Just a quick walk around your house might yield dozens of fun textures you can make brushes out of. But, even if you don't have either of those, you can often snurch some good textures off the internet. Try a google search for marble tile and see what comes up. Sometimes you'll get a nice big image to work with. I'm not condoning stealing someone's art photos to rip a brush off with, but if it's just a sample photo of tile, or fabric, or screen, or whatever, I think it's perfectly fine … you'll be drastically changing the image in the next steps anyway.

The Next Steps
Okay, so you've got some good textures then? Right, let's make a custom brush out of 'em! Open up your image in Photoshop. The first thing you'll want to do is desaturate the image (Shift+Ctrl+U in PS7). Then cut and paste what you've got into a new layer. Now delete the background layer. Once you're down to just the single layer, mess with the brightness/contrast until you get the desired effect (this will require you to think a little bit about how you might use the brush in the future – will you be wanting to use it as a 'grunge' effect … something more technical … etc. etc.)

The Super Easy Part
Now that you've got the image looking like you want, you'll need to create it as a Photoshop brush. Go to 'Edit' then choose 'Define Brush'. Give your new brush a name and that's it!! Easy, huh?

Saving All Your Hard Work
There are few things worse than having hundreds of cool brushes gone in an instant. It's happened to me on one occasion where my hard drive fried out and I didn't save all my customized Photoshop stuff. So I'm going to help you avoid any tragedies and tell you how to save your brushes. Once you've got an amount of brushes made (I personally like to create 'sets' of brushes that all kind of work together, or just happened to fit my mood that day!), go to 'Edit' then choose 'Preset Manager'. A window with all your current brushes will pop up. You can click on each little square individually. What you're going to want to do is shift+right click on the series of brushes you want to save. Once you've done that, click on 'Save Set', give the set a name and save it to your computer (of course these brush files are what you're going to want to back up!). There, you're done!

How To Get Other Custom Brushes Into Your Pallet
If you've found a cool brush set on the web and you'd like to use them, after you download the file (usually a zip file), you'll want to extract them to your Photoshop/Brushes directory. To load a brush set in Photoshop, open the Brushes Palette ('Windows', 'Palettes', 'Show Brushes'). Select Load Brushes from the menu on the Brush Palette and choose your file. That's it!

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Deadlifts 765!

A day in the gym with Layne Norton

Another week down on my journey to the FLEX Pro and Arnold Classic. I switched up gyms this week,  I discovered a new hardcore playground at Powerhouse North Tampa. LOVE this place.  It brings me back to the days When I started training at Macks gym Toronto. Old machines, rusty bars, and lifting Chalk fills the air. There is just something about the way old equipment feels and the angles they used. I always wonder why they ever changed these things.For the most part as of late, ive been training by myself.  Its nice to have someone there to spot me, yell profanities, and slap me upside the head when anything other than winning and kicking ass enters my brain.  So ,Layne Norton (PhD, contest prep coach, powerlifter/bodybuilder) invited  me up to check out his gym (Powerhouse) and have a workout. I was fired up to train with someone new and take a little different approach then ive been following lately.

Layne and I planned to hit some legs. He loves to squat, I love to squat, I figured it could be a fun day that just might get ugly! I walked into the gym to meet Layne and he was already there warming up with some calve training.  For those of you that don't know Layne, hes a young guy, very passionate, very intelligent, just a plain old balls-out, kind of guy. The guy just straight gets fired up.

His suggestion was that we start leg training with deadlifts.

Sounded good to me, I figured he meant stiff leg, hamstring deads…nope! Good ole powerlifting style deadlifts.  I attribute a lot of my lower body development, especially glutes to heavy deads in my younger years. Truth be told, I haven't done them regularly for years and I want to get back to my old school hardcore badass style training (atleast more often than I have been. A balance of heavy stuff and meticulous execution stuff)!

We ended up doing around 5 working sets, each progressively heavier. We did what is called a reverse band deadlift. This is where you use rubber bands to assist you at the bottom of the rep (its probably assisting by 50-70lbs at the bottom, and nothing at the top), but about halfway up youre taking the entire weight. This will really overload and isolate the glutes and low back.

MAN I forgot how well those things hit your low back and glutes. I was destroyed!

We followed deadlifts with front squats, leg press, then leg extensions.  I was pretty blown up after those deads and would have been happy to go home and crawl under a table somewhere, squats and leg press were tough.

Its days like that that I seriously contemplate buying Velcro shoes. Socks and shoe laces become the enemy when you cant touch your toes for 5 days.

I have been training at this new hardcore mecca in Tampa ever since.  When training up to 3 times a day, having a number of gyms to choose from is very appealing

Sitting around 8 weeks out now, weight is 297 and bodyfat dropping quickly. Carbs are very low, but protein and veggies are high.  Hitting some HIIT cardioFor More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Exercise After A C-Section – 3 Things You Simply Must Do to Help Speed Up Your Cesarean Recovery

Your cesarean recovery plan may well be to lie motionless in bed to avoid feeling any pain or discomfort and at first any movement will seem like a huge challenge. At this stage, getting out of bed and moving around is vital to your recovery. Exercise after c section or more specifically becoming active after the operation forms a significant part of the whole rehabilitation process.The reason for this is that movement and an increased heart rate helps to increase blood flow to the wound supplying oxygenated blood and essential cells for repair.

In order to safely speed up your cesarean recovery you absolutely must follow these 3 essential tips: -

#1 Exercising your lower legs whilst in bed after the operation will help prevent the build up of blood clots. This doesn't have to be too challenging and can be something as simple as rotating or flexing the ankles. You will need to wait until after the anaesthetic has worn off and you can feel something in your legs, before you start doing these.

#2 Get out of bed at the earliest opportunity. Again make sure that you have regained full control of your legs. Start slowly at first, moving around will get easier the more you do. Just start easily by taking small steps around your hospital room, if necessary support the wound with a pillow or very soft blanket.

As time goes by you will need to gradually increase the distances you walk, but always try to stand tall using an upright posture aiming to pull your tummy muscles in tightly, avoiding walking with a 'cesarean' stoop, as this could place too much stress on your weakened back muscles. For the first couple of weeks, try to limit walking up stairs to just once or twice a day.

#3 As soon as you can you will need to begin exercising the stomach muscles. This should be done using only specific pelvic tilting movements which require no flexion at the spine. These c section exercises can be done sitting, standing or lying and are the best and most effective post pregnancy exercises which are essential for realigning the abdominal muscles without causing doming, a rounding in the appearance of the stomach or pain in the lower back.

As with any rehabilitation after surgery, exercise after c section should be taken very slowly, working within your own comfort zone. Although you will feel tired and lacking energy in the early stages of your cesarean recovery, it really is important that you avoid being sedentary at all costs as this will simply prolong the healing process and could cause potentially serious blood clotting.

Jago Holmes is a registered personal trainer and director of New Image Fitness Ltd. He is a qualified personal trainer with over 10 years experience working with new mums and pregnant women. He has created a website for new mothers, devoted entirely to safe and effective weight loss after pregnancy. You can get instant access to his free reports here -

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Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How to Avoid A Yo-Yo Diet In Simple To Follow Steps

There are certain characteristics that differentiate healthy diets and unhealthy diets. The less effective diets are the usually the ones that promise rapid weight loss and only last for a month or so. The healthier diet programs give more of a focus on losing weight over a longer period. These diet plans are tailored for the individual so are easier to stick to for a long time.

Something that is common with people looking for a weight loss solution is that they don't have the right knowledge about what healthy eating really consists of. Many people are attracted to fad diets that promise them fast results. These diets are usually temporary solutions. Many people have good success with such diets, but being as they don't know what a healthy diet really consists of, they return to their old eating patterns soon after and start piling all that weight back on.

There is nothing wrong with trying out a fad diet, and they may well work. The problem is that many people don't have a plan B for when the diet finishes. There's no real use in eating healthily for 30 days and then returning to your usual unhealthy diet.

These diets are sometimes referred to as 'yo-yo' diets. Sometimes the dieter will regain twice as much weight as they lost after returning to their old eating habits. This is because of the effects that these eating changes have on their metabolism.

Here are some of the characteristics that fad diets often possess. If you spot things like this then you know that they are most likely not a diet with sustainable long term benefits:

As you may have noticed after reading the above, fad diets are unbalanced and focus on miraculous and rapid changes. Truly healthy diet plans a like a reality check. The best way to be healthy and lose weight is to eat well consistently in the longer term.

There are many healthy diet programs out there that promote long term health in order to lose weight. While they don't promise success in just a few weeks, they give the groundwork for eating healthily in the long term. Stick to a sustainable plan like this and you body will naturally form its optimum weight over time.

Because a true healthy diet is stuck to for the long term, there is no danger of sudden weight gain as the diet does not end. So the way to spot a healthy diet among all the unhealthy diets out there is to focus more on long term health, rather than overnight weight loss.

In addition, a healthy diet plan focuses on proper eating practices. This includes the frequency and size of meals, which is an important factor which many dieters overlook.

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Here are the common features of a healthy diet plan:

Rather than just eating your 3 main meals a day, it is better to have a slightly smaller breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then eat some small healthy snacks in between. This increases metabolism and fills your body with energy. It also settles your appetite and prevents overeating.

When you search for a healthy diet plan, evaluate the plans you see and try to identify the above elements. Doing this can help you separate the genuinely healthy diet plans for the fads.

Look for a sustainable diet plan that you know you will be able to stick to for a long time. Find a suitable plan and it will make achieving your health goals a lot easier. The Lunch Box Diet by Simon Lovell reached acclaim because it's one of the few diets that causes yo-yo dieting as it's more of a healthy lifestyle plan. Voted 'the best diet' by Elle Magazine they said it became 'a way of life' – very few diets offer that kind of benefit. Click here to find out more…

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How To Find The Best Diet For You?

With all the different kinds of diets out there promising to be the better than the last, finding the best diet to suit you seems like an overwhelming task. For instance, some diets will say you should eat more protein or carbs, while another equally well renowned diet will suggest that you should eat less of them. With all the seemingly contradicting information, how do you know which is the best diet to follow?

There are lots of fad diets out there these days promising quick success. These diets that promise instant results are usually unsustainable. Often the severely restrict your food intake, prohibit your favourite foods,  require you to make lots of time consuming meals, and will have you marching around in the supermarkets trying to find bizarre ingredients.

That's the problem with many faddy diet programs. While they promise you quick results, they are very difficult to stick to as they do not match your own lifestyle. It has been said on countless occasions that the best diet plan a person can follow is one that they know they can stick to. If you follow a diet plan that doesn't agree with you, it makes the whole process of trying to eat healthily a big stress.

The result? You feel bored, stressed and miserable. And then we know what happens, you resort back to your old unhealthy eating patterns.

It is much better to avoid miracle diets and stick to one that you know you can stick to for a long time. Beware of diets that promise instant results and seek a more long-lasting diet plan that promises sustainability. A good healthy option is The Lunch Box Diet which is regarded as one of the best and most sustainable diets around.

Imagine how much easier it would be to be healthy and lose weight if you follow a diet plan that is perfect for your personality and lifestyle, doesn't have a strict set of rules and allows you to eat your favourite foods every now and then.

Here are some of the key characteristics shared by the best diet plans:

So when looking at diet plans, evaluate them to see how closely they match-up with the factors outlined above. If they do, there's a much higher chance that you're going to be able to stick to the diet plan for a long time to come.

If the diet plan contains all these elements, you may be on to a winner. There is then a few more things to take into account before you decide whether or not the diet you are looking into seems like the best diet plan you you:

You now are aware of the things you should look for in a diet plan, and what things in your own life you should consider before settling on a new dieting routine.

If you are adapting a new diet specifically to lose weight, the main consideration when choosing a new plan is to adapt an eating routine that will help to reduce your calorie intake. If trying to lose weight, it can be very helpful to see a nutritionist who will be able to help you find out how many calories you consume daily.

This process will usually require you to record everything you eat and drink for a week or two. Even if you are not adapting the new diet purely for weight loss purposes, doing this can be very insightful as it will show what negative aspects of your diet you could work on gradually changing.

One final thing to say is that you'll never find the best diet plan for you without experimentation. It could takes several months to finally settle on a diet plan that is ideal for you. Test out different routines if you need to. Usually your body experience new effects every time you start a new diet, so it may take time to get accustomed a new eating pattern.

Keep at it and continue experimenting. With enough persistence, you'll have no problem discovering the best diet plan that you will be able to stick to for a long time to come.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How to get pregnant naturally


Infertility may be broadly defined as the inability to get pregnant after trying for at least one year without using any birth control. In Western countries, infertility affects an estimated 15% of the population. While a part of them are trying to conceive using alternative methods like IVF, others prefer to optimize the chances of getting pregnant naturally. Trying to get pregnant naturally may be very important, since many couples and individuals who are diagnosed with infertility may be able to get pregnant without treatment (and hence should be defined as "subfertile" rather than "infertile").

When trying to get pregnant naturally, the most important factor is to understand the menstrual cycle and the timing of ovulation, which leads to the optimum chances of getting impregnated. Usually, ovulation occurs around the fourteenth day, and hence, to get pregnant naturally, a couple should have as much sexual intercourse as possible between the twelfth and the fifteenth day. Different women have slightly varying menstrual cycles.Hence, to improve the chances of becoming pregnant, it is imperative to study one's periods, and calculate exactly when one ovulates.

Determining the signs of ovulation.

To check for the right timings of ovulation, a woman can do one, or many, of the following things:
. Keep a calendar. Keeping a calendar to chart the days is an easy and effective method to determine the right time to have sexual intercourse.
. Keep a check on vaginal fluids. Mucus discharge from the vagina usually becomes heavier, thinner, clearer and stretchy during ovulation when compared to the usual times.
. Feel the inside of the vagina. During ovulation, the cervix is softer and slightly more open than usual.
. Keep tabs on any sharp pain in the abdomen. Sharp pains in the abdomen, or some slight spotting, may be indicative of ovulation.
. Other physical conditions. Headaches, bloating, breast tenderness and pain may be signs of ovulation.

Having checked for ovulation, there are some other things that an individual can do to increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally. These include lying still for a while after having sexual intercourse, avoiding the bathroom for about thirty minutes after having sexual intercourse, and most importantly, figuring out how many times one should have sexual intercourse.

Men often neglect their own part to play in this whole scenario. The sperms need to be of the correct constitution, correct shape and correct motility too, or else, however fertile the women may be, impregnation does not occur naturally. A way of ensuring that the sperms are undamaged is by wearing boxers instead of briefs. Boxers help in keeping the testicles from overheating and damaging sperms.

For both women and men, the anatomical and hormonal factors are not the only ones to be monitored and corrected. In most cases, failure to conceive may result from an improper diet, undue stress, the use of drugs like alcohol and nicotine, and even environmental factors such as proximity to harmful doses of pesticides. Abstinence from such factors goes a long way in ensuring a pregnancy.

One should always keep in mind that the holistic approach to solving a problem is the optimal way to tackle infertility. Getting regular health checkups, taking supplements to combat existing problem, exercising and stress reduction techniques are only part of the holistic solution to infertility which considers the problem as part of a whole unlike the conventional approach which tackles a specific body organ in its attempt to heal. The holistic approach is not only a surefire way to increase your chances of conception it also guarantees a safe and healthy pregnancy.

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Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

If eBay Is So Easy Why Aren’t All eBay Sellers Millionaires?

It's a fact that it is much easier to make money now than it has ever been. And the reason is the internet.

The internet enables ANYONE to set up their "shop" (website) for very little cost. You DON'T need to pay for a physical office or shop. Your market is NOT restricted to just those people in your local community who happen to walk past your shop. You can sell products or services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to the WHOLE on-line world. It doesn't matter WHO you are or WHERE you live.

But you need technical knowledge to be able to set up a commercial website that is capable of processing customer orders (or you need to pay someone else a lot of money to do it for you). And if you don't get any traffic (visitors) to your website you won't make any sales, no matter how good your website is. And as the internet expands and develops, getting traffic to your site is becoming more and more COMPLICATED and EXPENSIVE to achieve.

But eBay REMOVES the two main problems of starting up an internet business by providing you with a ready-made commercial website AND as much traffic as you will ever need! And eBay makes it so easy that anyone, regardless of their technical ability, can set up a FREE eBay account with just a few mouse clicks – all they need is access to a computer connected to the internet.

But whilst it's very easy to set up an eBay business, it's NOT so easy to set up a SUCCESSFUL and PROFITABLE eBay business. Many have tried – and failed – to make a living on eBay. And of those who do make a living on eBay – many are, in effect, working FOR eBay by generating lots of eBay fees – often earning LESS than the minimum wage because they work LONG hours listing and fulfilling their orders.

But it doesn't have to be that way. It IS possible to set up and run an eBay business that MAXIMIZES your income while MINIMIZING your effort. Maximizing your income will give you a HIGH standard of living. And minimizing your effort will give you a HIGH quality of life. All you need is someone to SHOW you how.

So if you are thinking about starting an eBay business, or you already have an eBay business but aren't getting the results you desire yet, then I have the answer for you …

Before he set up his own eBay business, Martyn Boaden spent a small fortune acquiring EVERY ebook, CD and DVD that he could find on making money on eBay. But Martyn didn't just want to make a living on eBay – he wanted to make lots of money for very little effort!

So he also studied the "secrets" of Direct Response Marketing which many, MANY ordinary people used to quietly amass huge fortunes, long before eBay – and even the internet – were ever dreamed of. Incredibly, most of the authors of all those ebooks that he read didn't seem to know anything about these direct response marketing secrets, even though eBay is the PERFECT market to apply them to.

He spent months and months applying and testing everything that he learned to discover what does – and what doesn't – work on eBay today to maximize his income while minimizing his effort.
And fortunately for us, he has crammed all that research he did in to "The Lazy Way To Wealth On eBay" which must be the most comprehensive eBay Business Manual that I have ever seen!

It doesn't just include EVERY single hint, tip, secret, strategy and tactic (that actually work) from all those ebooks, CDs and DVDs. It also includes the Direct Response Marketing secrets that work so well on eBay.

So now EVERYTHING you need to know to set up and run a SUCCESSFUL and PROFITABLE eBay business to maximize your income while minimizing your effort today is packed in to one convenient resource. And you can get INSTANT ACCESS to it all for an INCREDIBLY SMALL investment.
Oh, and I nearly forgot … "The Lazy Way To Wealth On eBay" is backed by a 60 Day No Quibble Money Back Guarantee. So you really do have nothing to lose by downloading your copy TODAY.

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Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Adobe Photoshop – Editing Digital Images Made Simple.

Adobe Photoshop is considered to be one of the best and the most popular photo editing software programs available in the market today. If you are a professional or an amateur photographer, you will definitely want to get the latest version of this software.


Well, first of all, Adobe Photoshop provides all the tools you need to enhance, edit, and alter photographs. The creative capabilities that this software gives to its user are virtually unlimited and you will have a lot of fun using the tools that Adobe Photoshop provides.

In addition to that, even if you took bad pictures, you will be able to make it look professional with Adobe Photoshop. So, what are the aesthetic corrective tools that you can use in Adobe Photoshop for your photography hobby?

The first and the most common problem that most photographers have is the red eye phenomenon. This particular phenomenon happens because of the wide open pupil of the subject reflecting light back to the lenses of the camera. Although some digital cameras have flash settings to eliminate the occurrences of the red eye phenomenon, it will still happen even if you are using the latest professional grade SLR digital camera. Adobe Photoshop has red eye tool that will be able to identify red eye in a photograph and completely eliminate its appearance.

Adobe Photoshop will be able to remove all red eyes even those of your pet dog or cat.

Adobe Photoshop will also be able to let you create clearer and brighter photos. You need to remember that Adobe Photoshop is a software program meant for cleaning up an image. If you took a picture in a bad lighting condition, you will be able to improve its appearance with Adobe Photoshop. With Adobe Photoshop, you will be able to increase or decrease contrast, brightness, huge, and even color intensity. Even if the photo you are working on was taken on a dark environment, you will be able to make it look as if it was taken on the best possible light condition.

It is also possible to remove objects in a particular photograph. For example, if your vacation group pictures were ruined by a complete stranger in the background, you can have them removed. You can use the clone tool to preserve the texture of the image and also on the area where you removed the object. For close up headshots or portraits, you can edit imperfections on the face.

For sure, you will hear complaints about their own close up pictures. Some will say that they look so old with the wrinkles on their face; some will say that they look too pale; some will even say that they look too fat or thin in the picture, and you will even hear some people complain about their acne marks and pimples. You can edit all these things according to the preferences of the people complaining about their own picture.

With Adobe Photoshop, you can make the face look fuller or thinner, remove wrinkles to make the subject look younger, get rid of unwanted acne marks and pimples, make pale faces look healthier, and it can even make the lips fuller or redder as well as give you the possibility to shave off the eyebrows.

These are just some of the fun things that you can do with Adobe Photoshop. As you can see, there are quite a lot of possibilities that you can do with Adobe Photoshop when it comes to image editing. So, as a photographer, you will definitely need Adobe Photoshop. With the tools provided, you will be able to make your work look clean and professional.

Get this free reportand discover our totally unique step-by-step video training system, designed to make any newbie user completely competent with the basics of any Adobe Photoshop Software in record

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Adobe Photoshop Makes Editing Your Digital Photos So Easy

Photography in the past was considered to be an art. You need to learn all about photography before you can consider yourself as a real professional photographer and you also need to apply the things you learned as well as take really good pictures. In the past, photographers learned about focal length, exposure value, film speed, shutter speeds and other photography stuff. Also, you need to use an old adjustable film camera as well as a light meter in order for you to know what kind of light settings you are in.

Also, in the past, you will need to learn how to develop films in to photos. Some people even converted their basements in to makeshift dark rooms while others just settled for the toilet.
Today, photography is still considered as an art but it's really much simpler now. With digital cameras, you will see that photography is now about point, shoot, upload and print. You don't even need dark rooms anymore as the photos are now stored as digital format which you can readily upload to your computer and print in your printer.

Editing photos today are also much simpler than it was before. Today, all you need is a special software program called Adobe Photoshop. Most professional photographers use Adobe Photoshop to edit and enhance the pictures they take. The great thing about this particular software is the tools available which can help you manipulate photos. For example, if you took a picture in poor lighting condition, you can easily adjust the brightness, contrast, color intensity and other factors and make it look like you took the picture in a perfect environment with the best lighting condition possible.

Adobe Photoshop is also filled with other features that can make your photos look like it was taken by a professional. If you do headshots of your friends or family, then you will be able to make them look much more beautiful. Even if they don't have any make up on, you will be able to make them look like they wore make up with Adobe Photoshop. You can even remove facial imperfections, such as pimples and scars.

In fact, Adobe Photoshop has tools that will even make someone obese look like a supermodel. Of course, everyone wants to look younger. With Adobe Photoshop, you can make wrinkles and other age marks disappear. This is how powerful Adobe Photoshop is.

The red-eye phenomenon is another problem that many photographers, professional and amateurs alike, are facing. Even with the latest red-eye reduction features of the latest digital cameras, red-eye will still appear in some of the photographs. Adobe Photoshop has red-eye detection tools, which will detect and eliminate the red-eye.

Also, you need to remember that there are quite a lot of photos out there that didn't stand up to the test of time, especially very old photos. If there are damages, such as tears, water stains, and fading, you will be able to repair these damages on the old photos and make them look as if it was taken and developed yesterday. You will need a scanner for this job.

Adobe Photoshop is also filled with great effects tools that will be able to convert black and white photos in to colored photos and vice versa. As you can see, Adobe Photoshop is indeed a great software program that you should definitely have. With this, you can be sure that every photograph you take will look fantastic.

Just be creative and get this "Adobe Photoshop" FREE report and discover our totally unique step-by-step video training system, designed to make any newbie user completely competent in record

For More Information Click Here

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Causes of Tinnitus


One of the main difficulties is in treating tinnitus is the fact there are is a wide range of extremely varied potential causes. Technically tinnitus isn't a disease, but a symptom of some other underlying condition. Sometimes this underlying cause can be found and it can be treated to stop the ringing. In most cases however, the cause is less obvious and a variety of different techniques are needed to manage the problem. There are some more common causes of tinnitus that can be focused on when finding a treatment though.

The nerves inside of your ear are very sensitive, and damage to them could potentially cause not only hearing loss, but tinnitus as well. When the ear picks up noises, the sound is passed through the outer ear, through the middle ear, and into the inner ear. Inside the inner ear there are neves that send information about any noises to the brain to be interpreted. If these nerves get damaged, unusual impulses may be sent, causing the brain to think that there is a sound when there isn't, otherwise known as tinnitus.

Hearing loss could be caused a few different ways, and all of them can bring on or make tinnitus worse. Hearing loss is frequently associated with aging. This causes the nerves to be less sensitive, so they don't pick up noises that are there and hear ones that aren't. In younger people, hearing loss is usually due to prolonged exposure to loud noises. Sometimes the tinnitus is temporary after going to a concert for example. The next day there will be some ringing, but after another day or two it goes away. However, long-term exposure to loud noises will cause permanent damage and lasting tinnitus. This damage could happen at a concert, sporting events, explosions, or even just listening to music too loud through headphones.

Earwax is the ear's natural way of protecting itself, but sometimes there can be a buildup of too much wax. When this happens, it increases the pressure in the head. Increased pressure can intensify tinnitus, making it harder to ignore. Too much earwax could also cause mild hearing loss, which also can make tinnitus louder.

Blood vessel disorders, while less common, are still a potential cause of tinnitus, known as pulsatile tinnitus. These disorders can be caused by a number of different conditions, including tumors in the head or neck, high blood pressure (hypertension), malformation of capillaries, and atherosclerosis, a condition where the artery walls thicken because of a fatty buildup.

Lastly, there are several medications that have tinnitus as a potential side effect. Check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out about any potential side effects of any medications you are taking. Some of the more common medications that bring on tinnitus are diuretics, antibiotics, aspirin, and some cancer medications.

This is just a small portion of the long list of potential causes of tinnitus. Even depression or head injuries can cause tinnitus. That's why it's important to see a doctor to try to get an official diagnosis. A doctor may be able to pinpoint the exact cause of your tinnitus, or if they can't they will be able to point you towards possible treatment options that may help.

One of the newer (and more effective) solutions for tinnitus that has come to surface is called Goodbye Tinnitus. This program is completely accessed online. It includes an easy to read ebook that explains everything there is to know about tinnitus. Not only are the necessary basics covered, but also all the known (an not so well known) treatment options available. The main solution discussed in this ebook is a unique 4-step treatment plan. This specific plan addresses tinnitus at its core, and from every aspect, making relief much easier to achieve compared to the typical solutions found elsewhere. Also included are dozens of tinnitus maskers, ranging from specialized noise frequencies, nature sounds, and man made sounds. From our research, Goodbye Tinnitus seems to be the most effective solution available. No other solution fights tinnitus in such a complex, yet simple and effective manner.

More Information To Tinnitus Relief Click Here

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Alternative Tinnitus Remedies

Have you been suffering from tinnitus for some time now? If you have, you must know how painful and frustrating all those noises in the ear can be. They can strike anytime in the day, and can become worse in the night. You would probably give anything to get some relief. But that's of course easier said than done. The remedies suggested by the physician can give some relief. But the noises always come back.

So are the noises of tinnitus getting on your nerves? Its time you considered alternative tinnitus remedies. You should know that your physician practicing conventional treatments cannot really cure you from all those noises. Sure enough, your noises can go down with treatment, but they will always come back. At best, you can get some temporary respite from conventional treatment – nothing more.

You would be happy to know that there are a few wonderful alternative tinnitus remedies that have worked very well for many sufferers like you. There's no reason why they can't work for you.

Consider These Alternative Tinnitus Remedies

Herbal treatments – These treatments are developed from herbs.. For thousands of years, in ancient India, China and in other countries, herbal remedies have cured a lot of people from all kinds of diseases. We can't really ignore that. Herbal remedies also usually do not cause any side effects. Even modern medicine is now agreeing that several herbs have curative values and have a large role to play.

The ginkgo biloba herb can be extremely effective in treating tinnitus. It can enhance blood circulation and treat vertigo – both these conditions have been linked to tinnitus. Ginkgo biloba can also calm your senses and ease the symptoms. On the negative side however, herbal remedies might not be as effective for everyone.

Essential oils – Sometimes essential oils too work very well. Some people have got very good results by applying one kind of oil. And for others, a blend of various oils has worked. Both these approaches can work. Oils such as Cypress, Lavender and Juniper have been tried by many tinnitus sufferers, and they report positive results. Essential oils work best when they are applied through vaporization, massage, inhalation, compression and bathing.

Optimizing Your Diet – The food you eat is crucial to your health. When we choose the right foods, we stay healthy, and when we opt for all that junk stuff, we fall ill. It is essential that we have all the vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function properly. But sometimes, because of wrong food choices, the human body does not receive all the essential nutrients. For example, if you are not getting adequate Vitamin B, then you might develop tinnitus.

Luckily however, Vitamin B is easily obtainable from grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits. So always ensure that your eating plan includes them. Eat a well balanced meal that includes all the food groups. A supplement can never work as well as the natural food source.

Sound Masking – This is a unique approach to provide you some relief from the tinnitus noises. Those who suffer from tinnitus often report the problem worsening in the night. This happens because the silence of the night seems to intensify the noises heard. A masking device plays some soft natural noises that are pleasant on the ear. It is as if you are hearing some channel music at the hotel lobby or listening to your favorite composer through the earphone. The unpleasant swishing, buzzing and constant ringing is thus blocked.

Alternative tinnitus treatments may work. But there's a problem. In most cases, when using alternative remedies for tinnitus, the root contributing factors that caused all those noises remain, and so the sounds will come back as soon as you have stopped following these treatments.

The only way you could ever get rid of your tinnitus for good is by following the holistic approach to healing. By using a multidimensional treatment for tinnitus, we are tackling all tinnitus causative factors and eliminating these triggering elements from the root. This is the only path for permanent freedom from tinnitus.

For More Information Click Here

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Avoid This Killer Weight Regain Mistake

If you want to burn off fat and keep it off permanently, there are a few things you absolutely must do, and a new study from Wake Forest University has just uncovered another one…

Previous research has concluded without a shred of doubt that high levels of exercise are one of the keys to keeping fat off and maintaining your ideal weight. In this new study just published in the October 2008 issue of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, researchers found for the first time, proof that the drop in physical activity that happens automatically during calorie restriction is directly correlated to weight regain.

We've known for some time that when you restrict calories, your level of non exercise physical activity (non exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT), drops spontaneously, even if you don't realize it's happening.

Your physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) also tends to drop when you restrict calories. Success Story!

Basically, when you cut calories, you get sluggish, you move your body less, you don't feel like exercising and if you do exercise, you do it with with less "gusto."

This means that unless you intentionally counter this tendency by pushing yourself to keep active and keep up the intensity, despite your low calorie intake, your weight loss will slow down automatically as you continue with caloric restriction. (can you say, "fat loss plateau?")

The new twist to this story is that in this latest study the researchers followed up on the subjects through the maintenance period – with 6 month and 12 month checkups.

This is significant, because most fat loss "success stories" are reported immediately after the weight loss phase, but you never know what happened to them afterwards.

Not surprisingly, it wasn't much of a "maintanence" period… almost everyone regained most of the weight.

The surprise was WHY they regained back the weight and WHO regained the most…

The drop in physical activity during the diet was directly related to the weight regain after the diet!

The researchers wrote,

"The greater the decrease in physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) during the energy deficit, the greater the weight gain during the follow up."

"That won't happen to me," you say? Think again. That drop in activity usually happens unconsciously. It's part of the "starvation response" (or "weight-regulating mechanism" if you prefer). Your body tricks you in countless ways, in order to restore energy balance and stabilize your weight.

If you believe that diet alone is the answer or that you can skimp on the training, you are shooting yourself in the foot and thinking short-term.

When you extend out your time frame to a year or longer, you get a whole new perspective.

For years, I have been imploring my readers and subscribers to "burn the fat" with higher levels of exercise – strength training AND cardio training – while "feeding the muscle" with a higher intake of clean food, instead of simply "starving the fat" with low calorie diets and little or no exercise.

"Eat More, Burn More"… "BURN The fat FEED the muscle." those are the mottos you want to remember.

Can you lose weight without exercise? Of course. Just be sure you have a dietary-induced calorie deficit. Is it the best way? Not by a long shot.

Bottom line: If you want to MAXIMIZE your fat loss, and keep fat off permanently, it is imperative not only to keep up a high level of energy expenditure (BURN calories not just cut them), but also to make a conscious effort to make sure your activity level does not drop as you lose weight during the calorie deficit.

If you'd like to learn more about this effective and proven approach to fat loss: "eat more, burn more," then please visit my "Burn The Fat" website at <<< Watch This Amazing Video For More Information >>>

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Does FAT make you FAT?

Diet Solution ProgramYES and NO. The right answer to this question is dependent on what type of fat we're talking about. Certain fats are actually essential for so many important bodily functions, but the wrong kind of fat can lead us down an unhealthy path to weight gain and a long list of diseases.Fat to Avoid

Hydrogenated Oils

You have probably already heard in the media or just about anywhere that hydrogenated oils are detrimental to your health so to avoid them at all costs. But what exactly are they?

Hydrogenation is a chemical process used to make fat more shelf stable. This hydrogenation method completely alters the liquid oil's molecular structure so that it no longer resembles a natural fat. Because your body does not recognize the transformed molecule as a natural fat, it cannot process it and treats it as a toxin. This "toxin" has been linked to cancer, birth defects, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and obesity.

We must read labels! Hydrogenated oil and partially hydrogenated oil can be found in most packaged foods (margarine, crackers, chips, pretzels, cookies, cereal bars, sugar cereals, microwave popcorn, and low-fat and fat-free snacks). There are even many packaged foods advertised as "health foods" that include this toxic ingredient.

Fats You Must Eat

Your body cannot survive without fat – specifically essential fatty acids. Your brain, hormones, immune system, and digestion are all dependent on this healthy fat (which is why people who go on very extreme low fat diets often suffer many health problems).

Omega 3 Fats

Omega 3 Fats are essential to human health but cannot be produced by the body which is why it is essential that we get these great fats from food. Foods high in Omega 3 fats are leafy green vegetables, flax seeds, salmon, sardines, raw walnuts, organic eggs and grass fed beef.

Extensive research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help prevent risk factors associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. These essential fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be particularly important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function. In fact, infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk for developing vision and nerve problems. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include extreme tiredness (fatigue), poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.

Cooking Oil

The only oil that is suitable for high heat cooking (and one of the healthiest oils you can consume) is raw, organic, unrefined coconut oil. Coconut oil has been proven to be one of the healthiest oils available for the human body and increases the body's metabolic rate (helping in weight loss)

Oils best Raw

Olive oil and flax seed oil are two wonderful oils to use for salad dressing or on cooked or raw veggies. These oils have a lower melting point and are more stable (and healthier) when kept raw.

All you need to know about fat and fat consumption:

1. Avoid all products containing hydrogenated oil and partially hydrogenated oil

2. Consume foods high in Omega 3?s such as salmon, flax seeds, walnuts and organic eggs

3. Cook with Organic, Unrefined Coconut Oil

4. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Flaxseed oil raw for salads and veggies.  Also include avocados as a healthy source of fat into your meal plans.

Remember all fats are not created equal and proper use of the good fats can be a great way to keep you and your family at optimum health!

For more information about Omega 3s, click here.

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Damage Control For Holiday Eating “Accidents” (Part 1)

We've all been at the holiday get-togethers, and have quickly devoured something devilishly delicious with little thought. Some feel little shame for eating a cake or drinking half the bowl of punch, but others find themselves feeling guilty afterwards and can't help but think, "oops, I shouldn't have eaten that." I have to admit I do get a little chuckle out of the "accidental" part! Do you ever really "accidentally" eat anything? I think we are all responsible for everything we eat and how much we eat and until you consciously realize and accept this, and take the time to do some proactive meal planning, you will probably continue to have lots of "overeating accidents!"

After you overindulge, I definitely do NOT recommend skipping your next meal or skipping meals the next day to make up for it. I usually don't even recommend cutting back either, although there may be exceptions where you could manipulate your meal size or macronutrient composition.

I generally recommend returning immediately to your "regularly scheduled meal programming," because this continues to encourage the maintenance of positive habits such as eating 5-6 small meals every day.
Success Story!
I do suppose whether you cut back could depend on whether you've been on low calories a long time, how lean you were already, and on whether you were in a caloric deficit already. If you were in a calorie deficit for the day, then the extra calories might only bring you up to maintenance, not "over" your daily limit, which might not be as damaging as if you were in a calorie surplus.

If you were already very lean or had been dieting strictly for a long time (as in a bodybuilder coming off a competition), a large meal or entire high calorie day might not have any negative effect either. Your metabolism has a way of slowing down if you keep your calories too low 100% of the time.

With occasional (planned) higher calorie days, you'd be using the BURN THE FAT "zig-zag" or "cycling" principle, so eating more in this context can be a positive thing. (Note: You can learn more about this technique in the BURN THE FAT program at ). However, there's a big difference between a planned "cheat meal" or a planned high carb, clean food "re-feed" day and a binge on junk food. Regardless of total 24 hour calorie intake for the day, you could still store body fat after heavy eating if it's done at certain times and in a certain metabolic state.

Although I do prescribe calorie levels based on daily (24 hr) needs, I believe you should also pay attention to 3 hour "windows" when you're thinking about adjusting your caloric intake. Calories and macronutrients (protein/aminos, carbs/sugar and fat) are partitioned into glycogen, muscle or fat tissue or burned immediately depending very much on present moment energy and recovery needs and on what's going to happen over the next 3 hours or so as the food enters your system.

So, if you're going to be plopping down on the couch to watch football games for the rest of the day and night after that big holiday meal, beware – you might just want to cut back on that next meal a little, especially starches and sugars.

Bottom line: It's okay to eat small amounts of your favorite junk foods once in a while as planned "free meals," and it's a good idea to eat more in general from time to time to keep your metabolism humming along. However, your best bet if you're really serious about fat loss is to avoid huge meals and avoid bingeing in the first place. ALWAYS practice portion control – even on holidays.

If you ever do slip, don't beat yourself up, just get right back on the wagon with your next meal and remember, the past is behind you and today is a new day. <<< Watch This Amazing Video For More Information >>>

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Eczema Or Atopic Dermatitis, Anyone?


Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease which in some countries is also known as "eczema." The ailment is one of the many forms of dermatitis or skin disease.

Atopic dermatitis most of the time occurs with some other atopic diseases, or ailments whose exact infected locations are not really traceable. Some of these diseases include asthma, hay fever and conjunctivitis.

This skin disease is most of the time chronic and symptoms and manifestations can further develop, continue to exist or disappear over some time. When you say chronic, it means the disease is treatable but not really curable.

Treatments like ointments and other forms are generally used to ease or relieve the itchiness or discomfort brought about by atopic dermatitis. These treatments are also used to reduce or diminish the affected area in the skin.

In the past, and even presently, atopic dermatitis is mistaken for psoriasis, another skin disease.

Atopic dermatitis usually shows up or affects infants whose ages may range from one month to six months. In the US, about 60% of atopic dermatitis patients experience their first onset of this skin disease when they were just one year old.

Approximately 90% of atopic dermatitis patients in the country got the skin disease when they were about 5 years old and below. There are cases of an atiopic dermatitis onset during adolescent years but they are very uncommon and rare.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

Be aware that manifestation or symptoms of this itchy and uncomfortable skin disease vary with age.

Generally, atopic dermatitis is characterized by the presence of lesions which occur or can be found in different areas of the body, depending on age.

For example, an infant has eczema if he has lesions in the extensor surfaces, the face or in the trunk. For young children, they are found in ankles and wrists. In adults, these lesions may be found in the upper chest, in the neck, in the face and in the genitals or sex organs.

For infants and children with atopic dermatitis, rashes also occur during warmer weather. These rashes will surely worsen with the climate change from warm to winter or colder climate.

Skin areas infected with atopic dermatitis also is characterized by unusual and unaesthetic skin drying.

Treating atopic dermatitis

Modern medicine believes that atopic dermatitis may be worsened or complicated by stress or emotional and psychological anxieties.

The dryness in the infected area in the skin can be practically reduced by avoiding and preventing further contact with the allergen that may have caused or triggered the onset of atopic dermatitis.

Moisturizers are available and easily accessible in local drug stores and retail chains but it is important to seek a doctor's or a dermatologist's prescription and consultation first. Self-treatment or self-prescription should be avoided for it may only worsen the skin disease.

Use of strong and harsh soaps must also be reduced to help prevent further drying of the skin. Most soaps today have chemicals that wash away and put out the natural oil produced by the skin. These natural oils contain substances that will help prevent skin drying.


Of course, jut like other skin diseases, the most basic and general prevention for atopic dermatitis is through proper and practical hygiene.

Avoid skin contact with allergens like skin irritating chemicals, solvents and clothes. As much as possible, also avoid too much exposure to extreme climates like very high or very low temperatures.

It can be hard to explain but emotional stress can also be a factor causing atopic dermatitis so as much as possible avoid it, as well as exposure to excessive or little tobacco smoke.

More Information To Eczema Treatment Click Here

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Facial Scar Treatment

Facial scars are quite common and can become very annoying for a lot of people. These scars drastically change your appearance and tend to make heads turn and not in a good way. These scars could be recent or very old and can be disgusting reminders of a particular traumatizing event. Fortunately most scars can be treated using a combination of natural products and techniques over a period of time. The skin on the face is moist and has a high level of blood flow, which is great for healing scars.

Facial scarring can come from many causes. Often they are caused by acne, but can also be due to trauma or surgical procedures. The face is a very sensitive area and one that you have to look at in the mirror on a daily basis. Because of this, it's a very important topic for many people. Having a scar on the face can really lower your self confidence and cause self esteem issues. But before you jump under the knife, consider natural facial scar treatment. Facial scars are very treatable due to the optimal moisture and circulation of the facial skin.The Scar Solution

While there is no magic scar eraser that can eliminate your facial scarring, there are things you can do to greatly reduce the appearance of your scars. Many designer scar treatment products are very expensive and contain nothing but a cocktail of moisturizers and other bogus products. Ingredients like onion extract and Vitamin E are popular but have not been proven to reduce scarring in any medical studies. Avoid products that contain these ingredients. There are many natural products that can deliver much better results at a fraction of the cost.

It's also important to include special scar treatment techniques to your regimen. Keeping the scar moist and well circulated will help improve your results. This can be achieved with specialized massage techniques. There are many other methods as well that when used in combination with certain products can great reduce scarring. Natural facial scar treatment is still little understood among most people, but is a very interesting and useful topic. Most people who are faced with facial scars end up opting for expensive and dangerous surgical procedures. These often involve cutting out the scar and leaving a smaller, less noticeable one behind. While this can be effective, it's also risky and expensive, and still leaves you with a scar on your face.

Natural treatments are much more cost effective and can deliver dramatic results when used properly. Whether it be acne scarring, cuts, scrapes, etc, you can reduce or eliminate the appearance using natural facial scar treatment. Having personally suffered from facial scarring, I know that it can be very emotional and tough to deal with. But don't give up. You can get rid of your scars safely and naturally if you put in the time and effort. Don't resort to expensive designer scar creams or risky medical procedures unless all other options are exhausted. As always, do your research before applying any topical product to your skin. Beware of any advice given on the internet and only use medically proven products.

For more information on natural facial scar treatment, check out The Scar Solution.  It's the most effective scar removal product currently available.  It's all natural and results are guaranteed!

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

How to Eat Great and Lose Weight

Snacking on dried out rice cakes and wilted lettuce leaves is no way to spend your mealtimes. You don't have to eat bland, boring foods just to trim up. It is possible to eat great and lose weightall at the same time. If you choose quality foods and have a willingness to try new things, you can get down on delicious meals and shed pounds too.

Choose the Right Foods

Diet Solution ProgramYou can't possibly lose weight if the foods you use to prepare you meals are unhealthy and loaded with calories. When you avoid processed nonsense and stick with fresh ingredients, you can't go wrong. Anything boxed, frozen, jugged or canned is considered processed and has no place in a healthy diet.

Foods that should be staples in your healthy meal plans include fresh fish, naturally raised meats, organic poultry, organic whole eggs, raw nuts, fresh herbs, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Natural foods are better for you because they are low in calories and filled with plenty of nutrients your body can use.

Also, natural foods aren't loaded with a laundry list of additives that contribute to weight gain, diabetes, cancer, hypertension and other health problems.

Experiment with Recipes, Flavors and Cooking Methods

I love grilled chicken, but if I had to eat if every day, I'd go bananas—I imagine you would too.  Free yourself from the bondage of humdrum, tasteless meals by experimenting with recipes. Thumb through cookbooks, surf the Internet and use your imagination to whip up meals you can't wait to sink your teeth into.

When you come across recipes that have unhealthy ingredients, simply swap the bad ingredients out for healthier ones. For instance, if a recipe calls for milk, you can replace this ingredient with coconut or almond milk. Also, don't be afraid to switch out spices and seasonings to add a new flavor to a dish.

Vary your cooking methods to keep things fresh and give food a different taste. For instance, if you always broil your steak, try sautéing it, or covering it with olive oil and dropping it on the grill. All of these cooking methods are healthy and easy to master.

Sample Recipes to Help You Eat Great and Lose Weight


Healthy French Toast:

Directions: Mix the eggs in a bowl. Dip the bread in the egg mixture until it is completely coated on both sides. Heat a pan on low to medium heat and add the butter. Once the butter is melted, add the egg coated bread and cook each side for 3 to 4 minutes. Sprinkle the toast with cinnamon and serve it with 2 teaspoons of maple syrup.

Baked Chicken a la Isabel (one of my creations)

Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a small pan and melt it over low heat. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of each of your spices in a small bowl and pour in the melted coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients together. Let the spice and coconut oil mixture cool.

Rub the spice and oil mixture under the skin of the chicken with your hands. Once the chicken is completely coated, place it breast side down in a glass baking pan and pop it in the oven. Let the chicken cook for 1 to 2 hours until it's done.

There's nothing boring or tasteless about the above recipes. If you're creative and are willing to experiment with new recipes, you can chow down like this everyday and look fantastic doing it.

Watch This Amazing Video For More Information

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How to Get Huge Arms


Everyone who ever picks up a weight soon develops the desire for a set of massive arms. It's nearly unavoidable. Within a week after their first workout most guys are start for searching the secrets of how to get huge arms during every spare moment they have. Nearly everybody loves to stretch their shirt sleeves or even cut them off. Unfortunately, many people go about their arm training all wrong. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when training for big arms is using the wrong exercises. Kickbacks and concentration curls will do very little to develop a set of impressive guns. If you really want to know how to get huge arms, use my top ten biceps exercises and your arms will be exploding with new growth in no time.

Close Grip Chin Up- This is the king of biceps exercises because it allows you to use the most weight and move your body through space. Any time you can move your body through space, instead of just moving your limbs, there is a higher level of neuromuscular activation which leads to greater muscular development.

Barbell Curl- As far as isolation movements go, this is the best one there is when it comes to building big biceps.

Dumbbell Curl- Another isolation movement that is nearly the equivalent to the barbell curl. The added advantage is that when you can no longer complete another rep you can stop doing them simultaneously and switch to alternate curls to cheat a few more reps out.

Incline Dumbbell Curl- The added stretch here makes this a very effective bicep building exercise.

Hammer Curl- These target the brachialis muscle, which, when developed, can add a great deal of mass and thickness to the upper arm.

Parallel Bar Dip- You wanna know how to get huge arms? Train your triceps hard. Although everyone focuses on the biceps, the triceps actually make up 2/3 of the upper arm and can really make your arms look enormous if you train them properly.
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When it comes to proper triceps training, there is no better exercise than the parallel bar dip. Again, this is an exercise where you are moving your body through space instead of just moving your limbs. If you need proof of the effectiveness of dips you need to look no further than the incredible arm development of male gymnasts.

Close Grip Bench- This is another compound movement which will pack slabs of muscle on the triceps as it allows you to use a ton of weight.

Half Range Close Grip Bench Press aka Lockouts- This exercise is done by setting the pins in the power rack so that they stop the bar about a third of the way down from the top. This greatly overloads the triceps and allows you to use extremely heavy loads. The end result is that you will build huge horseshoe triceps.

Angled Bar Pushdown- I prefer the angled bar to the straight bar for pushdowns because it is much less stressful on the wrists and much more comfortable to handle heavy weights with. This is a highly effective isolation movement which is pretty easy on the elbows; a rarity for isolated triceps exercises.

EZ Bar Lying Triceps Extensions- This is another highly effective isolation exercise for the triceps. Unfortunately, this exercise can lead to elbow problems. For this reason it should be used less frequently than the others and the reps should be kept a bit higher; preferably in the 8-15 range.

Stop wasting your time with any arm exercises that are not on this list, immediately. Use those listed above and hit them hard and heavy. You won't be asking anything else about how to get huge arms if you do that.

For specific set, rep, rest and frequency recommendations as well as months of workouts and other priceless information that will show you exactly how to get huge arms, check out

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

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How to Tighten Your Abs After C Section Surgery

Your abs after C section surgery will be very weak and greatly separated due to the effects of the pregnancy hormone relaxin, which allows tendons and ligaments to stretch and lengthen throughout the course of the pregnancy.

Whether you give birth vaginally or via a c section, your abdominal muscles will have pulled apart and will need to be helped to realign and pull back together.

Whilst this is a natural process, that your body usually takes care of, there are 3 very good reasons why you should gently exercise your abs after c section surgery.

#1 – Firstly, you aren't leaving anything to chance, you are taking matters in to your own control and influencing the outcome of your own destiny. This is a very empowering process, completely opposite to that of giving birth and pregnancy where you all too often feel to lose all dignity, pride and self respect.

#2 – Secondly you can ensure the job is done right. By regularly performing a few specific tummy tightening exercises designed for new moms who've just had a c section, you can ensure that you are firming and tightening the abs and strengthening and supporting the lower back.

Don't worry, the exercises are easy to do, very quick and can be started virtually as soon as you've had a c section.

#3 – Actually tensing and contracting the abs after c section surgery helps to increase and divert the blood flow to the scar and damaged area. This helps to increase the amount of repair cells that are being delivered and therefore dramatically speeds up the recovery process.

So what are these exercises and are they safe to do?

They are simply a series of specifically designed tummy tightening exercises which don't involve any bending, twisting or crunching, but do have a dramatic effect on the strength and realigning of the tummy muscles. Far quicker than simply leaving it to chance.

The way you do them is by tilting your pelvis in certain ways and for a given amount of time. They aren't painful to do and you can do them whilst holding and nursing your baby.

These are not the same as doing pelvic floor exercises which help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

If you've got flabby and weak abs after c section surgery them you need to take action. A little effort can make huge differences to the tightness and tone of your tummy.

Jago Holmes is a certified personal trainer with over 10 years experience working with moms who have given birth by c section. He has created an easy to use and highly effective system every new mom can use to tone and flatten your baby belly and safely speed up your c section recovery.

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

I’m Really Overweight-Help Me Lose Weight

I remember being overweight, and desperate to find a solution to help me lose weight. After a few failed attempts, I finally dropped the weight and I've managed to keep it off for years. So how did I do it? Since that darned magic pill didn't work, I had to lose the weight the old fashioned way. I committed myself to the cause, ate healthy and got off my hump and exercised. If I can do it, so can you.

Whip Your Eating Habits into Shape

We live in a nation of processed foods. The result of this is a skyrocketing population of fluffy adults and children. When you're overweight, you are at risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other illnesses that can reduce your quality of life and send you to an early grave.

If I've said it once, I've said it ten thousand times: processed foods are no good. Do yourself a favor and boot these items out of your diet. Replace them with healthier, natural foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, lean meats, poultry, beans, legumes, seeds and raw nuts.

Don't delude yourself into thinking you can change your poor eating habits overnight. Keep in mind, bad eating habits are easy to develop, but they're not as easy to change. It helps if you start small by making gradual tweaks to your diet.

For instance, you might make it a point to trade in your morning doughnut for a bowl of oatmeal, a piece of nitrate/nitrite free bacon and some fresh fruit. If you eat out everyday, scale back, and commit to preparing healthy, low-cal meals at home at least twice a week.

On the days you eat out, replace a few unhealthy foods with healthier menu choices. For instance, instead of ordering a bag of chips or a side of fries with you sandwich, opt for a small salad. Continue to make small dietary changes every couple of weeks until your poor eating habits are a thing of the past.

Get Up and Get Moving

When you're trying to whittle your waistline, it's all about the burn, baby. Once you remove all of the processed junk from your diet, you'll automatically reduce your caloric intake and lose weight. However, if you don't do something to set that metabolism on fire, it will slow down and you won't see any additional weight loss results.

You don't have to take the "whole hog" approach to exercising to see results. The most important thing is that you do something to get your body moving. Jump up and down for 10 minutes or take a stroll around the block – if it's more physical activity than you normally get, you're good.

Of course, as your fitness level improves, you'll have to add to your exercise routine to keep those weight loss results coming.

Get Committed to Your Healthy Eating Plan

When we talk about losing weight, we always tackle the nutrition and exercise side of things. Let's talk for a bit about the commitment dropping weight requires. Losing weight and keeping it off is hard work; it requires some serious lifestyle changes.

There are going to be times when you feel discouraged and disappointed, and days when you experience setbacks. If you're committed – and I mean really committed, you'll be able to pull yourself up, dust the cake crumbs off, and press on. If you're not ready to dig your heels in and put in the work, you'll be disheartened by the results.

Losing weight with proper nutrition and exercise can make you feel healthier and produce lasting results. Watch this video to learn how The Diet Solution Program can help you lose the fat and keep it off for good. If this program could help me lose weight, you can do it, too!

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat