السبت، 18 أغسطس 2012
Arwa Magdy Rizk shared a link بيان من دار الإفتاء حول رؤية هلال شوال...
الخميس، 16 أغسطس 2012
The Best Fat Burning Pills That Do Not Exist!
Back in the day when I was still struggling to lose weight and getting totally desperate to see any kind of results, I fell into the same "quick fix" trap that I still see people falling into now. I tried every last extreme diet out there and I even resorted to dangerous fat burning pills…all in an effort to drop even just a little bit of weight…something, anything…I just didn't want to be fat anymore.
In my own defense (if I don't defend myself who will?), I didn't quite know back then how dangerous these pills were…at least not as much as I know now. I just figured so many other people were taking them and they were sold at the local store, they must be safe, right? Definitely NOT!
Here was the problem (for me and maybe for you too). We all want to see results and we want to see them NOW! Not only do most of us (myself included) lack patience in many areas of our lives (yes, get it to me yesterday) but sometimes when we don't see results in an instant, we lose steam, we give up, we just figure it's impossible.
Now, I'm not going to turn this into a Tony Robbins, self development, "You can do it" speech. But what I am going to tell you is that if you're looking for a quick fix to weight loss, fat burners are NOT the answer.
I could go on and on and tell you all the dangers associated with many of these pills…potential heart attack and damage to the heart, hormone disruption, stroke, permanent damage to your metabolism…but I think at this point many people are well aware of how dangerous these pills can be. We've all seen the unfortunate news reports of people dying from these pills…it's just awful.
What I do want to share with you are some "safe", quick ways to get your fat burning engine cranking. Yes, healthy eating and exercise are always the answer, but sometimes we need just a bit more to get the ball rolling.
Here are some of my own strategies that anybody can implement safely for accelerated fat loss results:
1. Eliminate Wheat and Dairy for 2 weeks or more. I know, I know…this should be the Isabel theme song. I know I remind you of this all the time, but the truth is, it works! Most wheat and dairy products will cause an inflammatory response in your body (without you even realizing they are the cause) and make it really difficult, sometimes impossible to see fat even budge off your body. Wheat products include most breads, cereals, crackers, and pastas. Dairy includes milk products and cheeses. Eggs are ok and in many cases and butter is ok as well and will not stop the fat burning process.
2. Eliminate all grains for 2 weeks or more. Holy smokes..now Isabel is getting a bit carried away here. Look I'm just telling you what works. And if you have to get into a bikini in a few weeks, your high school reunion is right around the corner (and your ex-boyfriend will be there!), or you just want the pounds to come off faster, I highly suggest going "grain free" until you reach your desired weight. NO, I'm not saying grains are unhealthy. I'm just saying sometimes fat loss will be more accelerated without them. Grains include rice, oatmeal, millet, quinoa and spelt. All healthy, yes, but a few weeks without them will help your body shed fat faster.
3. Add lemon to your water. Lemon is a wonderful detoxifier to the liver. And since the liver is your "fat burning" organ, we want it always working at optimum. Keep your liver squeeky clean, by not only eliminating processed foods and toxic substances from your eating plan but also by giving it a good cleaning with some fresh lemon. You can also add some cayenne pepper to your drink as well and that will help to get your bowels moving (if the food is not finding its way out, weight loss will be much slower).
4. Eat your fruit servings before 4pm. Again, another wonderful food group that I am in no way saying is "bad" but you may see increased fat loss results by eating your fruit with breakfast, mid morning snack and lunch and then sticking to veggies for your mid afternoon snack and dinner. Raw carrots and peppers are great with almond butter in the afternoon and a piece of steak or salmon over sautéed greens and a side salad is a great dinner. You will then still get in your fruit servings for the day but will have had them much earlier in the day.
There are many tactics and strategies that you can try before resorting to something dangerous like taking fat burning supplements that will work when you stick to them. Take action on the above 4 steps and walk onto the beach or into that high school reunion feeling and looking great. And if you're lucky, your EX doesn't subscribe to my newsletter and he'll be wondering why he ever let you get away.
Watch This Amazing Video For More Information
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
P90X Workouts – The Review
Chances are you've seen the infomercials on television touting the P90X Workout system as the next big thing for guys looking to whip themselves into shape. P90X is designed to be a multi-component fitness program that promises phenomenal results in just 90 days. By multi-component I mean that it combines yoga, plyometrics (also known as "Jump Training"), karate and bodyweight work into a single program. If you believe what you see on the infomercial, following the P90X program can transform your body from nothing special to "ripped" in just 12 weeks-let's take a closer look and see.
P90X is a DVD-based program that is built around 12 different workouts-all of which can be done in the comfort of your own home. The only equipment you need are some dumbbells or resistance bands and a pull-up bar. When you buy the system you also get a nutrition plan, supplementation recommendations, a fitness guide, a progress tracking calendar and even access to an online peer support group. Buying P90X will set you back about $120.
The developers of P90X say that the secret to the system's success is grounded in its use of a training technique referred to as "Muscle Confusion." The point of this technique is to be constantly mixing up the moves and routines so that the muscles are always doing something new. They also say that this helps to avoid plateaus and keeps you from getting bored.
In looking over the 12 different workouts-which are a combination of strength, flexibility and cardio training-I can say that they definitely look intense. Here's a rundown of the 12 components: Chest & Back; Plyometrics (Jump Training); Shoulders & Arms; Yoga; Legs & Back; Kenpo (karate); Stretching; Core Synergistics (strengthens the core muscles); Chest, Shoulders & Triceps; Back & Biceps; Cardio and Abs. Most of the workouts take about 45-60 minutes to complete in entirety.
Each workout is basically different combinations of supersets using bodyweight, resistance bands or dumbbells, blended with a variety of different movements so that each session includes strength, cardio and flexibility training.
For the strength training part, essentially what they've done is put their own unique twist on basic exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, etc.), creating enough of a variety of variations that you're always doing something different. In other words, you're not just doing "push-ups," but rather, you might be doing "frog push-ups," "spider man push-ups," iso-climber push-ups, or any other number of variations on the basic push-up presented in the DVDs. They do the same thing with the exercises for the back, legs, arms, shoulders and abs. With this much variety, no one can ever say that P90X is monotonous.
Throughout the workouts you do 2 sets of three different exercises during each session. For example, you do exercise A, B, then C. When you're done, you repeat the sequence again. Next, you do exercise X, Y, and Z and then repeat that sequence again too, continuing like that throughout the workout. The DVDs keep the tempo up but you can go at your own pace and of course, you pick the weight/resistance that is right for you. You also get time in between exercises so you can write down the weight and number of reps you did. This enables you to track your progress towards achieving your goals.
Overall, I'd say that the P90X system is built on solid principles. That shouldn't come as a surprise though because Product Partners LLC -aka BeachBody Products-has been developing and marketing fitness programs for more than 10 years. Most of their other programs have popular and pretty well-received by the public and the reviews I've read about the company and the programs they develop have been favorable.
They say that the P90X program is for anyone but for a guy without any workout or training experience at all, it might be a challenge following everything. So if you're a beginner you might want to start with something a little less advanced before moving up and taking on P90X, because it is challenging.
Also, someone looking to really put on mass or make big gains in strength would not benefit from a P90X-style program. But if you're looking to achieve all-around fitness or to just get back in shape, then this could be the ideal program for you. In any case, if you really follow the program as instructed, I have no doubt that you can achieve the kind of results demonstrated on TV.
More Information About Muscle Building Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Row to Grow!
BPak's tips for perfect form and a big back!
I have given special attention this year to using only perfect form on every thing I do. Bit of a shot to the ego when it comes to weights, but they have gone back up relatively quickly. What does perfect form mean? Ahhh the question every aspiring bodybuilding should be asking! (and likely is!) Perfect form is getting a muscle AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE! And conversely, as long as possible, although both are not always possible in the same exercise. This should be the basis for where every workout begins. HOW DO I GET A MUSCLE AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE?
First, what does that mean? And what does a fully shortened muscle look like for each and every body part? If you don't know the answers to these questions, and you're trying to build muscle, you're wasting time. Now, that doesn't mean that you're not going to build ANY muscle (if you use the "shake weight" enough times you will eventually build some muscle). However, if you're like most people I know, you value your life and don't want to waste your time in the gym. Who wants to work hard and not building muscle effectively…right?
Each week I will try to explain ONE exercise and what it means to fully shorten that muscle and HOW to do it! Since the theme for this week is BACK, here it goes for LATS…
The lats primary functions are to "adduct, extend and internally rotate the humerus." Although there may be a few other functions in there, depending on specific fiber direction, these are the main ones we need to be concerned with. So, what does that mean? From the "anatomical position" (standing with arms at your sides, palms facing forward), it simply means: Bring your arm closer to your side, rotate the shoulder inward (so your palm is facing behind you), and extend your arm as far as possible behind you (without moving any other part of your body). TRY IT! See how it feels.
If you're not getting close to this position in your workouts, you're wasting time!
It doesn't necessarily mean that you need to do exactly this position on every exercise. Some exercises are slightly different angles etc. But this should be the primary goal and on your mind when executing each and every set and rep.
My workout looked like this:
Reverse Grip Seated cable row 4×15 (180, 225, 225, 225lbs)
One arm dumbbell row 4×12(130, 140, 140,140)
Overhand barbell row 4×15(315)
Deadlift 4×20 (315 for 23 on first set, then 405lbs for 3 sets: 20, 17,17 reps) We kept the deads light cause I hadn't deadlifted in almost 3 months.
If this exercise execution worked for you and you want to see the next one ASAP….. as soon as I see 50 comments and feedback on the blog, I'll post the next one! I want to hear your feedback! For More Information Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
So Many Affiliate Programs! Which One Do I Choose?
Ask questions first before you join an affiliate program. Do a little research about the choices of program that you intend to join into. Get some answers because they will be the deciding point of what you will be achieving later on.
Will it cost you anything to join? Most affiliate programs being offered today are absolutely free of charge. So why settle for those that charge you some dollars before joining.
When do they issue the commission checks? Every program is different. Some issue their checks once a month, every quarter, etc. Select the one that is suited to your payment time choice. Many affiliate programs are setting a minimum earned commission amount that an affiliate must meet or exceed in order for their checks to be issued.
What is the hit per sale ratio? This is the average number of hits to a banner or text link it takes to generate a sale based on all affiliate statistics. This factor is extremely important because this will tell you how much traffic you must generate before you can earn a commission from the sale.
How are referrals from an affiliate's site tracked and for how long do they remain in the system? You need to be confident on the program enough to track those people you refer from your site. This is the only way that you can credit for a sale. The period of time that those people stay in the system is also important. This is because some visitors do not buy initially but may want to return later to make the purchase. Know if you will still get credit for the sale if it is done some months from a certain day.
What are the kinds of affiliate stats available? Your choice of affiliate program should be capable of offering detailed stats. They should be available online anytime you decide to check them out. Constantly checking your individual stats is important to know how many impressions, hits and sales are already generated from your site. Impressions are the number of times the banner or text link was viewed by a visitor of your site. A hit is the one clicking on the banner or text links.
Does the affiliate program also pay for the hits and impressions besides the commissions on sales? It is important that impressions and hits are also paid, as this will add to the earnings you get from the sales commission. This is especially important if the program you are in offers low sales to be able to hit ratio.
Who is the online retailer? Find out whom you are doing business with to know if it is really a solid company. Know the products they are selling and the average amount they are achieving. The more you know about the retailer offering you the affiliate program, the easier it will be for you to know if that program is really for you and your site.
Is the affiliate a one tier or two tier program? A single tier program pays you only for the business you yourself have generated. A two tier program pays you for the business, plus it also pays you a commission on the on the sales generated by any affiliate you sponsor in your program. Some two-tier programs are even paying small fees on each new affiliate you sponsor. More like a recruitment fee.
Lastly, what is the amount of commission paid? 5% – 20% is the commission paid by most programs. .01% – .05% is the amount paid for each hit. If you find a program that also pays for impressions, the amount paid is not much at all. As you can see from the figures, you will now understand why the average sales amount and hit to sale ratio is important.
These are just some of the questions that needed answering first before you enter into an affiliate program. You should be familiar with the many important aspects that your chosen program should have before incorporating them into your website. Try to ask your affiliate program choices these questions. These can help you select the right program for you site from among the many available.
For More Information Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Teaching Phonics to Children
Phonics is a necessary part of any good method of teaching children to read. Teaching Children phonics and helping them develop phonemic awareness is the key to mastering words, which is the first key step toward successful reading. Children need to develop a knowledge of the letters, the sounds represented by the letters, and the connection between sounds created by combining the letters where words are formed. This is an essential part of mastering reading, and enabling children to become independent readers. By learning phonics and phonemic awareness, children gain the ability to pronounce new words, develop clear articulation, improve spelling, and develop self confidence.
When it comes to teaching your children to read, it must include three basic principles:
1) Reading for the child, whether it's a word, sentence, or story, must appeal to your child's interests.
2) Never pressure or force your child into reading, turning it into a negative "event" in their life. It should be a fun, enjoyable, and rewarding experience. This will take ample amounts of patience on the part of the parents, and some creativity.
3) Teaching your child to read must begin with the mastery of the phonemes – the individual sounds which makeup the words.
The basic process of teaching phonics and phonemic awareness to children includes teaching them the letters and letter sounds; then you teach the child to combine (or blend) various letter sounds together to form words; which is then followed by reading sentences and simple stories. This is a logical progression for children to learn reading, where they develop accuracy in decoding words and pronouncing words. This method of teaching also helps the child to spell correctly. Gradually, the different elements of phonics are combined to produce new words, and leads to the discovery of new words by the child using this process which becomes an "automatic reflex".
Teaching phonics to children should take 10 to 15 minutes each day, and these "lessons" should take place in several small sessions each day – such as 4 or 5 session lasting 3 to 5 minutes each. For older pre-school children, lessons can be slightly longer; however, several minutes each session is all that's needed.
One way to start teaching phonics to children with with ear training – by helping them develop the understanding that words are made up of smaller units of sounds, or known as phonemes, and when you combine these sounds, a word is formed. You can start this with very short sessions, as already mentioned. A few minutes a day is all that you need. The key, however, is consistency and patience.
During these short sessions, sound out words slowly and distinctly. You can do this without even making the child aware that you are trying to teach them. Simply take words from your everyday speaking to your child and include oral blending sounds into your sentences. For example, if you wanted to ask your child to drink his milk, you could say: "Joe, d-r-i-n-k your m-ilk." The words drink and milk are sounded out slowly and distinctly. The level of sound separation can be set by you to increase or lower the difficulty. Thus, if Joe has a tough time figuring out that d-r-i-n-k means drink, you can lower the difficulty by blending the word as dr-ink instead.
Alternatively, you could simply pick different words and play blending sounds games with your child. You simply say the sounds of the word slowly, and ask the child try to guess what you are saying.
This concept of individual sounds forming words may take some time for your child to grasp. Some children will pick it up quickly, while other children may take longer, but one thing that's certain is that if you keep it up, your child will catch on. Below are some sample words which you can use to play blending sounds activities with your child.
J-u-m-p J-ump
R-u-n R-un
S-i-t S-it
S-t-a-n-d St-and
M-i-l-k M-ilk
S-t-o-p St-op
The first word is more segmented than the second word, and will be more difficult to sound out. Please note that hyphens are used to indicate the letter sounds instead of slashes.
ie: J-u-m-p /J/ /u/ /m/ /p/
This is done to make things easier to read; however, when you read it, you should not read the names of the letters, but instead say the sounds of the letters. This type of ear training for phonics and phonemic awareness should continue throughout the teaching process, even well after your child have grasped this concept. It can be applied to words with increasing difficulty. Again, please always keep in mind that not all children can readily blend the sounds to hear the word, so you must be patient, and drill this for days, weeks, or even months if needed. Consistency and frequency is the key to success here, and not sporadic binge sessions.
If you would like to learn about a simple step-by-step program designed to easily teach your children how to read, please click here.
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
One of The World’s Greatest Snacks — A Healthy Treat for a Lean Body
Some people mistakenly think that pistachios are a "fattening" food… but despite having loads of healthy fats, these yummy little snacks can actually HELP you to burn off stomach fat. Let's see why…
Do you remember eating pistachios when they used to be dyed a deep pinkish/red? They were always so delicious, but after eating a bunch of those bright "red" nuts, your fingers and hands would be stained red.
Pistachios, as we now know, do not grow as magenta-colored nuts but come in a nice natural tan colored shell with a mild-tasting, crunchy, green and yellow interior. Nuts have risen in popularity lately, but did you know that pistachios are probably one of the most nutritious of all nuts?
It's hard to compare anything to the nutritional benefit of nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans… but pistachios give them a run for the money!
Just a one-ounce serving of pistachios will give you over 30 vitamins, minerals and other super nutrients.
One of the best things about nuts in general, is that they are full of minerals that are VITAL to our body's proper functioning. And if you have paid much attention to nutrition news lately, you may be aware that minerals are getting harder and harder to obtain from our diet, and many people are mineral-deficient in one way or another.
So what are these great nutrients in pistachios?
Well for starters, pistachios are full of copper, phosphorus, and manganese (different from magnesium).
Copper is made up of multiple enzymes that help to create many of the necessary biochemical reactions in your body and also forms connective tissue. Manganese also helps form connective and skeletal tissue, and is instrumental in growth, reproduction and (this is good!) carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Phosphorus is very important for strong bones and teeth and works with calcium to prevent osteoporosis.
Other important minerals are magnesium – necessary for more than 300 different important biochemical reactions in your body, and good for your heart and blood pressure; potassium –an electrolyte that keeps the body in the correct acid/base balance and also helps in forming proteins, metabolizing carbohydrates and building muscle.
And there is more to this nutritional powerhouse…
Pistachios are a rich source of B vitamins. B vitamins are essential for good nerve transmission, muscle building, a good mood, lots of energy, and infection-fighting power. They are also one of the highest protein nuts (as well as healthy fats), so they make a great satisfying snack that keeps your blood sugar and insulin at a good steady level.
In one study on pistachios and antioxidants, pistachios ranked up in the group with the highest amount of antioxidant activity above over 100 other foods. Antioxidants help to prevent free radical damage, which saves your cells and prevents aging and disease among other things.
We hear a lot about eye health and nutrients for the eyes lately, and guess what– pistachios contain generous amount of lutein and zeaxanthin which prevent macular degeneration and other eye diseases related to aging.
Last but not least, pistachios are full of appetite satisfying fiber — as much as a serving of oatmeal.
Nuts in general are a great source of fiber, which is valuable for fighting cancer, controlling blood sugar, and aids in a feeling of fullness. Most people only get about half the recommended amount of fiber they need in their diets, so eating pistachios will help add to your dietary intake.
Healthy Fats
While eating extremely large quantities of pistachios would be a LOT of calories… the good news is that the protein, good fats and fiber in them are nutritious and satisfy so much of the nutrient needs of your body, it's VERY difficult to overeat them.
Even when only eating small servings of these nuts, they have been proven to provide a high rate of satiety. Besides, having to shell all those pistachios actually ends up making you eat them a little more slowly, so the message to your brain that you are full happens on less nuts than if you were eating something already out of its shell.
Try to go for the all-natural or organic pistachios with no salt of low salt. Some brands of pistachios are a bit heavy on the salt.
If you haven't read our new Fat Burning Kitchen program, make sure to see the dozens of foods that help you burn fat, and surprising "health foods" that make you fat.
Eat well and stay lean!
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Is there such a thing as Cheap Organic Food?
What exactly is Organic Food?
Organic food is food grown or raised without the use of synthetic (chemically formulated) pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers. This method of farming allows foods to grown in nature as they were intended. Consider that conventional farmers in the United States spray 2 billion pounds of pesticides a year on crops to compensate for poor farming practices. Do you know where those pesticides end up? In our food supply!
Aside from pesticide contamination, conventional produce tends to have fewer nutrients than organic produce. On average, conventional produce has only 83 percent of the nutrients of organic produce. Studies have found significantly higher levels of nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and significantly less nitrates (a toxin) in organic crops.
When I first discovered that organic foods might be the missing link to my weight loss and health efforts (read my story here), I had just graduated from college and was living in a miniature apartment in New York City which was quite pricey, that I could barely afford.
How in the world was I going to spend the big bucks on organic food?
Here is how I mastered the art of "going organic on a budget":
- I stopped buying crappy "non foods" (and, yes, crappy is a scientific term). Most protein shakes, "health" bars, and processed foods are actually pretty expensive and when you completely eliminate them from your grocery list, you will save hundreds of dollars. Take a good look at the price of sugar cereals, packaged cookies and cakes, and frozen TV dinners. You will see how the prices of these foods quickly add up. That same amount of money can be better spent on a week's worth of organic produce.
- When I started eating reasonable portions, the food was not that expensive. When I really took a look at how much I was eating and how much I was supposed to be eating, I clearly had mistaken myself for a 200 lb sumo wrestler. I had portion distortion to say the least and eating less meant spending less!
- I sought out the local farmer's markets. The prices were so much better and I always got fresh food in season. And, honestly, if the price of cherries was the equivalent of diamond earrings, I would choose a different fruit. Go for the apples, pears, or bananas. Variety is good anyway so choose the fruits and veggies without the diamond prices.
- I transitioned my kitchen and my whole house slowly. I probably did not have a complete organic kitchen until 3 years later. Not the ideal, but I did the best I could. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was my organic palace. Do the best you can, start with a few items and then go from there.
- Buy organic foods "selectively". The following foods have been shown to have the highest levels of pesticide residue, so they should really always be purchased organic:
Fruits: - Peaches
- Apples
- Strawberries
- Nectarines
- Pears
- Cherries
- Red Raspberries
- Imported Grapes
Vegetables: - Spinach
- Bell Peppers
- Celery
- Potatoes
- Hot Peppers
Animal products
*Always look for animal products (meats, poultry, and dairy) that have no added antibiotics and growth hormones. Ingesting meats that have been injected with these harmful substances is equivalent to eating the hormones and antibiotics themselves. Very dangerous!
These foods tend to be lower in pesticide levels so can be purchased conventional if necessary:
Fruits: - Pineapples
- Plantains
- Mangoes
- Bananas
- Watermelon
- Plums
- Kiwi Fruit
- Blueberries
- Papaya
- Grapefruit
- Avocado
Vegetables: - Cauliflower
- Brussels Sprouts
- Asparagus
- Radishes
- Broccoli
- Onions
- Okra
- Cabbage
- Eggplant
There's no material item that comes close to matching "feeling good" about yourself. Take a look at where you're spending your money now and figure out how to fit organic foods into your budget (even if it's a slow transition). I promise that if it was doable for me, it's doable for you too!
Watch This Amazing Video For More Information
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
How to Teach Your Baby to Read
Teaching your baby to read is becoming more and more high priority for parents now as it becomes clear that learning to read at a young age offers numerous advantages for the child once he or she begins school. Studies have consistently found that teaching a baby to read and helping children develop phonemic awareness well before entering school can significantly improve their development in reading and spelling. However, when it comes to teaching babies to read, there are two main teaching methods.
These two main methods of teaching a baby or child to read are the whole language method, and the phonics and phonemic awareness method (the phonetic approach), which should be the preferred teaching method in helping children learn to read. Some prefer the whole language method, while others use the phonics approach, and there are also educator that use a mix of different approaches. With the Look-say approach of whole language learning, a child begins with memorizing sight words, and then taught various strategies of figuring out the text from various clues.
The whole language method produces inaccurate and poor readers compared to students of the phonetic approach. Using the whole word approach, English is being taught as an ideographic language such as Chinese. One of the biggest arguments from whole-language advocates is that teaching a baby to read using phonics breaks up the words into letters and syllables, which have no actual meaning, yet they fail to acknowledge the fact that once the child is able to decode the word, they are able to actually READ that entire word, pronounce it, and understand its meaning. So in practicality, it's a very weak argument. English is an alphabetic system, and unlike Chinese, it is not an ideograph like Chinese characters, and should not be taught using an ideographic approach.
I always say that if your baby can speak, then you can begin to teach your baby to read. I won't mention any names here, but I think most parents are probably aware of one very popular "reading" program, which is a whole word approach. Using this method, your baby simply learns to memorize the words without actually reading the words. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that teaching your baby to read using the whole word approach is an effective method. In fact, there are large numbers of studies which have consistently stated that teaching children to reading using phonemic awareness is a highly effective method.
Teaching phonemic awareness to children significantly improves their reading more than instruction that lacks any attention to phonemic awareness. – statement made by the National Reading Panel [1]
I do think that the debate on the effectiveness of teaching a baby to read using either the whole language or phonics method is settled by the statements made by the National Reading Panel. They reviewed over 1,960 different studies to make their conclusions.
In fact, while my wife was pregnant with our first child, I began doing extensive research on the subject on how to teach my baby to read – after birth, of course. Like most parents I also came across the popular whole word teaching approach being heavily marketed. Seeing the infomercials got me quite excited actually, seeing the babies on TV "reading". But after trying it out, it occurred to me that the our baby wasn't actually "reading", but actually "memorizing", and I thought to myself, how are my children supposed to read newer, and more complicated words as they grow older without an appropriate method of decoding those words? This is where my long and extensive research into phonics and phonemic awareness began.
After many hours of research and learning as much as I could, I felt comfortable enough with our simple phonemic awareness teaching method, that my wife and I began giving brief 3 to 5 minute lessons to our daughter, aged 2 years and 8 months. Within just a few short weeks, her reading ability (and I mean actual reading ability, not memorization) was astounding, even for me as the parent who gave the reading instructions. Friends and family alike, were simply flabbergasted at what our daughter was capable of reading at just 2 years and 11 months. Please watch the video above, composed of clips of her reading randomly created sentences for reading fun.
I simply can't imagine this kind of progress possible with the whole word approach – just think of the tens and hundreds of words a young child would have to memorize!
Our son is fast approaching the age where he will soon be able to speak, and we will be using the same simple step-by-step method to teach him to read. If you'd like to learn more about our simple, effective, step-by-step program, please signup for our newsletter below. We also send out new articles, updates, tips, and guides on teaching a baby to read.
Click here to learn how to easily and quickly teach your child to read.
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
How to do Great Ab Workouts at Home: The Best 5 Crunch-less Abs Exercises for a Flatter Stomach in Less Time
If you never do another crunch again, you will end up saving a lot of time and you'll still lose stomach fat and be able to get six pack abs. Why? Because crunches don't work very well for building 6-pack abs.
There are many better exercises, and you're going to discover the best 5 bodyweight exercises for a crunch-free six pack ab workout program. After all, if they did work, you wouldn't have to do them for 30 minutes like the bodybuilder magazines suggest.
Instead of wasting your life lying on your back doing an exercise that you can do hundreds of times, you need to replace crunches and all those other aerobics-era exercises with better, total-body ab exercises to get more results in less time.
There's a downside to standard crunches!
The other dark side of crunches, aside from them being useless for getting six pack abs, is that the crunch movement itself is actually HARMFUL to your spine and low-back. Every single time you perform a crunch, you are doing what the world's leading experts on back pain describe as a dangerous motion.
You see, every time you crunch, you do what is called spinal flexion, and spinal flexion compresses the disks between your vertebrae. If you do that too much, you could end up with a herniated disc. After all, it's the same motion as rounding your back to pick up something off the floor, and you probably know someone who has hurt their back that way!
So you don't need to do crunches, and you don't even need to go to a gym, if you have the right total body ab exercises in your home abdominal workout program. In fact, with the right program, your entire fat burning resistance training workout will take less time than most bodybuilders spend on crunches every day! Yet you'll still be able to get a flat stomach and six packs abs with this fast at-home workout.
Plus, you won't be doing long, slow boring cardio. Actually, your entire workout (resistance training plus abs plus interval training) will take less time (less than 45 minutes) than most people spend on slow boring cardio.
And you only have to workout three times per week, not six days per week like the bodybuilding magazines suggest. So you save time in each workout, and workout fewer times per week. That will give you more time to spend showing off your abs at the beach or anywhere else you please.
Here are the top 5 exercise replacements for ineffective aerobics-era crunches…
1. Replace Crunches with Stability Ball Rollouts. You'll get a more powerful stretch in the Rollout exercise, and a more powerful contraction, all without doing excessive and dangerous spinal flexion.
2. Replace Crunches on the Ball with a Plank with Arms on the Ball. According to the Men's Health magazine, research shows that a Plank with Arms on the Ball is 30% more effective in working your abs.
3. Replace Bicycle Crunches with X-Body Mountain Climbers. This unique total-body ab exercise still works your obliques, but without repetitive crunching. Plus, it helps build invaluable abdominal endurance and stability to keep your low back healthy.
4. Replace Reverse Crunches with Stability ball Jackknives. You will still be able to work the lower area of your abdominal muscles, as well as your obliques with this Stability Ball exercise, but you also get the benefit of building back-protecting abdominal endurance.
5. Replace Sit-ups with Hanging Knee-ups or the advanced Pull-up Plus Knee-ups. Your abs will have never experienced anything like this exercise! You can also do a Chin-up Plus Knee-up for the same effect on your abs, and Chin-ups are a little easier. This is one of my current favorite exercises.
By getting rid of crunches you'll lose nothing, while gaining time to work on better exercises to build your six pack abs and flat stomach, plus you'll avoid exercises that are hard on your back.
Combine these total-body ab exercises (that burn more calories than crunches anyways) with superset resistance training and belly-fat burning interval training and you'll get more ab results in less workout time!
For more detailed descriptions of all of these home ab exercises as well as more techniques for losing abdominal fat, click here for more great abs training secrets
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
How to design your own 3D Animation easily
3d animation software for free
Designing an own 3D Animation is good to develop personal skills. Now these days people are very much interested to develop their own skills on 3D Animation designing. Now We will see how to design a 3D Animation for personal interest.
Easy 3D Objects is intended for creation of 3D animations and illustrations. Areas where you can apply Easy 3D Objects: -making 3D GIF- animations for the Web; -making 3D banners; -making 3D illustrations; -presentation materials; –development of creative imagination. … Program features: -adds to 3D scene the following types of objects: dummy cube, sprite, plane, disk, cube, frustum, sphere, cone, cylinder, annulus, torus, arrow line, space text, mirror; -edits parameters of objects; -rotates and moves objects and groups of objects; -fills objects by color or texture from BMP, JPEG.
SWiSHmax has everything you need to create stunning fully interactive Flash animations. You can create shapes, text, buttons, sprites, and motion paths. You can also include more than 230 ready-to-use animated effects including explode, vortex, 3D spin, and wave. … You can preview your animation inside SWiSHmax without launching a browser or external player, and live editing lets you make changes while the animation is playing. … You can create your own effects or make an interactive movie by adding actions to objects.
SWiSHmax has everything you need to create stunning fully interactive Flash animations. You can create shapes, text, buttons, sprites, and motion paths. You can also include more than 230 ready-to-use animated effects including explode, vortex, 3D spin, and wave. … You can preview your animation inside SWiSHmax without launching a browser or external player, and live editing lets you make changes while the animation is playing. … You can create your own effects or make an interactive movie by adding actions to objects.
Feature wise, Realsoft 3D is a full featured modelling, rendering, animation and simulation package. It introduces global illumination, multi-wavelength ray-traycing for accurate spectral caustics and other optical effects, sub-surface scattering for realistic human skin shading. … On the animation front a full range of tools – from easy keyframing to event driven nonlinear animation- is supported. … Realsoft 3D is a complete solution for high end 3D-production at an unprecedented price. … Don´t rush to the plugin shop every time you need to create something new – get Realsoft 3D.
Effect3D is a powerful editing tool that lets you create professional looking 3D objects, add animation, and use a wide range of 3D effects. Effect3D's Power Wizard does the work for you, so whether you're a novice or a Webmaster you'll be producing stunning artwork in minutes. … Effect3D can also create dynamic 3D models by RTS animation so models can move back-and-forth, float, or rotate. … Over 500 models are cleverly categorized for easy browsing and with over 70 behavioral Bio-Morph animation's to choose from; Effect3D gives you the freedom to create uncompromising images limited
3D GIF Designer produces animated high-quality 3D pictures, titles, banner ads and buttons for your Web page or for a presentation. You can create animations from your own pictures (JPG, GIF, BMP, AVI) and easily add 3D text and shapes. The sprites technology enables to control over … For quickly getting started, design your own animation from over 30 professional templates (banners, buttons, logos), and then save as animated GIF or AVI movies, or as set of JPEG or BMP files. … In addition, 3D GIF Designer allows you to animate sprites with several effects such as Swing, Rotate.
Stereogram Explorer is user-friendly design software for creating high-quality hidden 3D graphics, also known as Single Image Random Dot Stereograms (SIRDS) or Single Image Stereograms (SIS) known from the "Magic Eye" series. Stereogram Explorer uses advanced algorithms and can render… Main features: User-friendly interface Random dot stereograms (SIRDS) Pattern or textured stereograms (SIS) Support for many file types including GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs, and BMPs Import 3DS (3D Studio) models Export depthmaps from 3D scene Autocalculated depth coeficient for loaded 3D models .
Pro Motion is a bitmap editor and animation package, ideal for creating pixel precise animations, images or icons used in games or Flash applications especially for handheld systems like mobile phones,gameboy,PDA,Pocket PC and similar. It has a huge number of functions ranging from simple… copied to all equal tiles within the image) – tons of tools including color cycling, onion skinning, masking, symmetry paint, magic wand, tile painting for "infinite" textures-bitmaps and "standard" functions like line, curve, box, circle, fill (pattern, gradients) – lots of helpful animation.
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Glucose (sugar) is our body's primary source of energy and is in our bloodstream at all times. Our bodies rely on the energy supplied by glucose to perform the most basic of functions–without glucose, our bodies would cease to function. Too much glucose though, can lead to a host of health problems including weight gain, heart disease and more.
We get our daily supply of glucose from the foods we eat. For the most part, carbohydrates are the primary source of glucose. Carbohydrates also may include other sugars such as fructose or sucrose. When we eat the carbs, they are broken down by the digestive system, which releases the glucose into the bloodstream. From there, it is transported throughout the body to be used as fuel. Interestingly, when the body is faced with a lack of carbohydrates, it can convert fats and even proteins into glucose as well. That goes to show you just how important glucose is to the body.
This is where gluconeogenesis comes into play. The word 'gluconeogenesis' literally means to make new glucose. The process primarily takes place in the liver (and to a lesser degree in the kidneys), which uses enzymes to convert the glycerol backbone of lipids or amino acids—which are actually the building blocks of protein—into glucose, which is then released into the bloodstream to be used as fuel.
Gluconeogenesis plays an important role in the body by keeping blood glucose levels from dropping to dangerously low levels. When blood glucose levels are too low, hypoglycemia can set it. Hypoglycemia is a condition that occurs when your blood sugar (glucose) is too low. Blood sugar below 70 mg/dL is considered low. Blood sugars at this level can cause harm to the body, including seizures and even coma. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include cold sweats, convulsions, shaking or trembling, tingling or numbness of the skin or excessive weakness.
Essentially, gluconeogenesis is designed to function as a safety mechanism to protect our bodies from harm during times when we do not have access to carbohydrates. Back in the days of our ancestors, this would have been a fairly common occurrence during times when food sources were scarce. Gluconeogenesis is really a 'last-resort' process through which the body creates fuel during desperate times.
Without a backup safety plan such as this, human beings might have died out a long time ago. In modern man, gluconeogenesis is primary brought about during excessive periods of fasting, starvation or extremely intense periods of exercise. It can also be initiative by certain very low-carbohydrate diets. Even in these cases however, the process does not initiate until the body has largely expended most of its existing glucose reserves.
When glucose enters the bloodstream, much of it goes directly to the brain and other organs where it is used as fuel. Excess glucose in the bloodstream triggers the insulin response, which then stores the 'extra' glucose in fat, muscles and the liver. The body can then use it during periods of low blood glucose to provide a consistent fuel source.
When the body isn't able to obtain sufficient glucose from foods and what it has squirreled away, that's when gluconeogenesis kicks in. During this process, non-carbohydrate precursors–such as lactate, pyruvate, glycerol and some amino acids–form glucose. Glycerol, a primary precursor, is released from fat cells through the process of lipolysis, which is the breakdown of triglycerides. Two of these molecules can make one glucose molecule. Skeletal muscle can even be broken down to make glucose if the availability from food energy is insufficient to meet the body's needs. Generally, the liver maintains an approximate 24-hour supply of glucose. When this is depleted and if there is no food energy available, gluconeogenesis will begin.
Some people believe that excessive consumption of protein can also trigger gluconeogenesis. The body primarily uses proteins for structural and repair functions. So in a given day, if the body needs 60 grams of protein to do everything it needs to accomplish and you ingest 60 grams of protein that day then there is no protein left over that could be converted to glucose. However, if on that day you ingest 100 grams of protein, the body would have 40 grams of protein just 'hanging around,' that could be converted to glucose through gluconeogenesis.
While it is not really important to understand the complexities of the entire process, it is worthwhile to have a basic understanding of the process of gluconeogenesis, what triggers it, and its impact on our bodies.
More Information About Muscle Building Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Fitness Adventure Travel
Everybody loves to take a vacation. For most people though, going on vacation usually means taking a break from regular fitness routines and healthy nutritional regimens. In fact, one of the biggest difficulties most people have with vacations is getting back to their regular activity and healthy eating routines once the vacation is over. Once back home, many vacationers are faced with two major problems:
1) Getting back to the regular training schedule.
2) Shedding the few extra pounds that were put on during the vacation.
With more and more people concerned about their health and wanting staying fit year-round, there is a growing industry that caters to people who want to take a vacation but at the same time, don't want to face any 'setbacks.' In other words, people who want to combine their desire to relax with their drive to be active. As a relatively new industry it goes by a number of names, but it's most commonly referred to as fitness vacations or adventure vacations.
Fitness Adventures USA is one such company that has emerged for the purpose of catering to the desires of the active vacationer. They offer a variety of different options for the adventure-minded traveler. Let's take a look and see what they have to offer. The company was founded by a guy named Scott Colby, who previously ran a fitness boot camp in Dallas for a number of years. Scott says that he has always had a passion for outdoor sports and that his new company—Fitness Adventures USA—is a way for him to share that passion with other like-minded people.
Each Fitness Adventure is unique, but all are week-long active vacations that provide participants opportunities to enjoy activities such as fitness boot camps, hiking, biking, whitewater rafting, yoga, healthy cooking classes, motivational coaching, horseback riding, canoeing, wine tasting and more. Specific activities for each trip are matched to the destination. And after a hard day of fitness and adventure, all trips include daily relaxation time along with an option to enjoy a pampering massage.
Scott's first Fitness Adventure outing took place in summer 2010 in Estes Park Colorado, in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Other destinations include California Wine Country and a Vermont Fall Foliage trip in the autumn. To make sure that every participant receives personal, one-on-one attention, Scott limits the number of travelers on each trip to 10-12.
Fitness Adventure is not just about being active though, it's also a lesson in healthy eating. The cost of each adventure vacation includes three meals a day. The dishes are not only nutritious, but tasty too. Each meal offers a variety of options that will suit the tastes of even the pickiest of eaters.
Comfortable accommodations are included in the price of each Fitness Adventure experience. For example, during the California Wine Country trip, guests stay at a Marin Vacation retreat home just 20 minutes away from the Napa Valley wineries. Guests at the other adventure trips also stay in luxury homes. Scott says that all of the accommodations he offers include panoramic views, gourmet kitchens and relaxing outdoor decks.
With Fitness Adventures USA, Scott Colby isn't just trying to help people 'get fit.' What he really wants is for each of his guests to have a true, life-changing experience. He's happy to report that with less than a year's operation under his belt, the feedback he's receiving from FA participants indicates that he's achieving his goal.
Scott is particularly proud of a gal named Lesa, who went on his Rocky Mountain Fitness Adventure last year. In her own words, Lesa says that her FA experience was the most "phenomenal, life transforming, positive experience" she has ever had. Her story is really pretty amazing. Lesa says that from June, 2010 to January, 2011, she lost an incredible 61 pounds! She lost 12 of those pounds during the first five days of her FA experience and has gone from a size 20 to a size 8.
Since then, Lesa says that she's become quite the fitness buff, enjoying outdoor activities such as hiking like never before and regularly taking boot camp classes. But that's not all—since getting fit with FA, she says that her self-esteem has skyrocketed and she's been promoted twice at her job! That, my friends is the kind of testimony that every fitness trainer dreams to have.
So if you find yourself in a rut or are just looking to try something new and exciting that will not only pump up your heart rate but perhaps change your life, you might consider taking a Fitness Adventure USA vacation.
More Information About Muscle Building Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Fat Burning Meals you and your family will love
This week my sister is visiting me in South Carolina from New Jersey. I absolutely love it when my family comes to visit and we always have an absolutely incredible time. The other great benefit about these family visits is that, without fail, everyone always goes home lighter.
What do I mean?
Inevitably, when friends or family spend a whole week eating with me they quickly learn how delicious healthy eating really is (and how easy it is too!) I promise I do not starve my guests. Actually, it's quite the opposite. They always feel like they've "eaten TOO much", but somehow managed to lose weight over the course of the week.
So what exactly do I eat all day? People ask me this question all the time because with the demands of being a mom, working full time and being pregnant (5 months now), they just can't believe how I'm still able to keep up with a healthy lifestyle.
Here's exactly what I ate yesterday and how I was able to keep my eating plan delicious and simple even with the demands of a busy day.
6am Wake up – Have to wake up before my son (18 months) to get a little time to myself in the morning. I check my emails and sip on some Green Tea with a bit of stevia.
6:30am – Flax seed and Athletic Greens shake.
Athletic Greens has become an absolute staple in my eating plan. It's made from a variety of organic fruits and vegetables with added probiotics and digestive enzymes…it's like "nutrition insurance" in a jar. Not only does this stuff taste great, it's quite satisfying and energizing, especially first thing in the morning.
I put 1 Tbsp of fresh flax seeds in my Magic Bullet (you can also use a coffee grinder). I grind up the seeds to make flax powder. I then add 1 Tbsp Athletic Greens, water, ice and a touch of stevia and blend. Yummy morning shake!
7:30am. By this time my son is awake and ready for "FOOD, EAT, FOOD, EAT"…that's exactly what I hear until I get his breakfast on the table. We both have 2 soft boiled eggs, sautéed spinach, and fresh blueberries and strawberries (yes, my 18 month old son eats exactly what I eat). The eggs were quick and easy to cook and the spinach was left over from dinner the night before.
I pack some raw nuts (Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts and almonds), 1 apple, and a bag of baby carrots for my snacks and my lunch (see below).
9am – My son goes to grandma's and I'm off to work.
9:30am – 10:30am – As I work I snack on my raw nuts, baby carrots and ½ of the apple. I have the same snack in the afternoon. I don't always do this, but sometimes it's just easier.
12:30pm – Lunch. I actually made my lunch the night before while I cleaned up after dinner. I've got some Chilean Sea Bass (broiled in the oven), over a pretty big salad (greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, artichoke hearts, peppers) with 1 sweet potato. I use apple cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil as my dressing along with some salt and pepper.
Packing my lunch in the evening while I clean up after dinner has become such habit and routine for me, I don't even think about it. I have definitely found that creating a "system" for packing and prepping your food will make following a healthy eating plan much, much easier. Find a "system" that works well for you and your family.
3:30 – Afternoon snack is the same as morning snack. Again, I don't always do this and many times I will have 1 slice of Ezekiel Bread with 2 Tbsp of almond butter and 1 Tbsp of apple butter (my favorite snack!)
5:30pm – I head home. We put some skirt steaks in to marinate and my hubby got the grill going (it was 80 degrees and sunny, a phenomenal day in the south!) We also grilled eggplant and zucchini that I marinated in balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and Italian spices. I made some brown rice to go along with the meal.
9pm – before bed – Almond butter and apple sauce with cinnamon sprinkled on top. I love this snack because it is a bit sweet and filling and really helps to curb any sweet cravings that may start in the evening.
There you have it…nothing complicated and nothing bland and boring. I love my clean, healthy food and love how it makes me feel all day. I always choose foods I enjoy and never "make" myself eat something just because I think it's supposed to be good for me (although it is important to be open minded and adventurous).
Stay tuned for a couple new, delicious recipes I just made for my family and got rave reviews!
Watch This Amazing Video For More Information
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
German Volume Training Routine
You've got to love the Germans. They've always been famous for innovation, their cars, their engineering and their design. And now they're becoming famous for their super pumping weightlifting routines. Yes, they've done it again—found a way to take a process and make it better. The great thing here though is their improvement is not all that complicated. It's just painful. Advocates of the German Volume Training (GVT) routine tout it is a phenomenal strategy for busting out of a rut or have hit a particularly nasty plateau. GVT faithful says it's an unbeatable way to shock your muscles into high growth overdrive. Let's take a look.
German Volume Training was developed sometime during the mid-70s. The method was used by weightlifters in Germany during the off-season to help them gain lean body mass. It was popularized by a weightlifting coach named Rolf Feser.
At first glance I can say I like what I see. The overall concept is pretty basic and easy to grasp. There are no complicated forms, charts or graphs and you don't have to learn any very complicated or dangerous moves. The basic GVT concept is based on three primary principles:
1. One exercise per body part: Yep, it's that simple. Unlike most routines where you perform three to five different exercises per body part, with GVT it's just one simple exercise. But, there's a caveat—it can't be just any old exercise. The selection of the limited number of exercises you'll perform each week is critical if you expect to meet with any degree of success. You'll particularly want to focus on compound movements that recruit multiple muscle groups. Limit or avoid isolation exercises to maximize GVT's impact on muscle gains.
2. Super high reps: For the one exercise you'll be doing for each body part, you will perform ten sets of ten for a total of 100 reps. Because you'll be performing a high number of reps you'll need to lift about 50% – 60% of your one-rep max. At first, you may find it difficult to do 10 sets of 10 so just do as many as you can for each set. When you are able to do 10 sets of 10, you can increase the weight by 5-10 pounds next time.
3. Rest-pause: Because of the high intensity of GVT, you'll want to rest a full 60 seconds between sets. When doing squats you can increase the rest period between sets to a full 90 seconds. When you first start out using GVT the weight may feel really light, but resist the urge to cut back the rest period or start out using heavier weight. It may be easy for first 6-7 sets but by the time you get to 8, 9 and 10, it will be a lot more difficult.
GVT is based on a three-day weekly routine. The workouts are broken down into three categories:
1) pushes;
2) pulls;
3) legs.
Based on this, you would do chest, shoulders and triceps on day one; back, biceps and abs on day two; and quads, hamstrings and calves on day three. There is a one-day rest period between workouts as well as on days six and seven. Because of the high intensity of GVT, it is okay to lower the number of reps and sets you do for both triceps and biceps.
Because it is so intense, you definitely want to stick with simple exercises–stay away from complicated movements. Also remember to focus on compound exercises, not isolation. Here are some GVT routine options to get you started:
Day one: Chest (bench press; incline bench press; dumbbell flyes); Shoulders (military press; seated dumbbell press; standing dumbbell press); triceps (close-grip bench press; skull crushers; one-armed dumbbell)
Day two: Back (pull-ups; t-bar row; lat pull-downs); Biceps (one-arm curls; barbell curls; preacher curls); Abs (ab curls; leg lifts)
Day three: Quads (squats; leg press); Hamstrings (leg curl; deadlifts); Calves (standing calf raises, seated calf raises).
You can of course choose whatever exercises best work for you but it is recommended that you stick with the same routine throughout the GVT period, which generally runs from four to six weeks. This isn't meant to be a year-round program so you don't need to worry about your muscles getting too accustomed to the routine. Besides, you'll be blasting them so hard, they won't have a chance to get used to anything except pain. If you're looking for something different to shake things up and give your muscles a powerful, growth-inducing shock, then you ought to consider trying German Volume Training.
More Information About Muscle Building Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
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In addition to background checks, Webstigate.com offers phone number reports, employee checks, name search, reverse phone search, reverse cell search, criminal records, legal judgments, bankruptcies & liens, vital records, and property records right from their home page. If you choose to become a member of Webstigate.com, you will enjoy:
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Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
How To Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Markets
Over the past years, web hosting has grown bigger than it used to be. With more companies getting into this business and finding the many benefits it can give them, the demand for web hosting has never been higher. These seem to be the trend of today.
38 million people have put up their very first websites online this year 2005 alone. It is estimated that by 2008, the internet sales industry will top then dollar bank. And to think, majority of those sites will be offering different affiliate programs for people to choose and participate into.
This only means one thing. It is easier now to find the right web host for your application. The possibility of quality web hosting companies separating themselves from the rest of the industry is anticipated. If this is done, the unprofessional and incompetent ones will suffer.
Support will be the number one consideration for people when choosing a web host. It will be obvious that traditional advertising will become less and less effective. Most people would rather opt for the web host based on things that they see and hear. Also based on the recommendations by those who have tried them and have proved to be a successful.
This is a great opportunity for web hosting affiliates and resellers alike. There would hundreds of web hosting and programs to choose from that the difficulty in finding the right one for them is not a problem anymore.
How does one become a successful affiliate in the niche markets using web hosting?
If you think about it, everyone who needs a website needs a web hosting company to host it for them. As of now, there is really no leading hosting industry so most people choose hosts based from recommendations. Usually, they get it from the ones that have already availed of a web hosting services.
With the many hosts offering affiliate programs, there is the tendency to find the one which you think will work best for you. Think of the product you will be promoting. Pattern them to the site and see if they are catering to the same things as you are.
When you have been with one host for quite some time and seem not to be making much despite all your effort, leave that one and look for another. There is no use in trying to stick to one when you would be before off in another one. Things will only have to get better from there because you already have been in worst situations.
Try this out. If you are quite happy and satisfied with your web host, try to see if they are offering an affiliate program you can participate on. Instead of you paying them, why not make it the other way around; them paying you. The process can be as easy as putting a small "powered by" or "hosted by" link at the bottom of your page and you are already in an affiliate business.
Why choose paying for your for your web hosting when you do not have to? Try to get paid by letting people know you like your web host.
Always remember that when choosing a web host, choose the one that is known for its fantastic customer support. There are also many hosting affiliate programs. Residual affiliate program is also being hosted. This is the program wherein you get paid a percentage every month for a client that you refer. This can allow you to have a steady source of income. With perseverance, you can even be quite successful in this field.
There are a lot of niche markets out there just waiting for the right affiliate to penetrate to them and make that dollars dream come true. Knowing which one to get into is being confident enough of your potentials and the good results you will be getting.
Web hosting is just one affiliate market you could try out and make some good and continuous income. Just remember that to be successful on your endeavor also means that time, effort and patience is needed.
Nobody has invented the perfect affiliate market yet. But some people do know how to make it big in this kind of market. It is just knowing your kind of market and making the earnings there.
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
How To Get Your Significant Other Motivated
Having your spouse as part of your fitness lifestyle can take your own levels of fitness to a new level.
Imagine that you go to the gym and workout and are around 100% intensity.
Now imagine that you BOTH go to the gym and workout and are around 100% intensity and it carries over into other aspects of your life (sleeping, eating, etc).
It's difficult when you are into working out and your spouse may not share the same levels of commitment or joys. Talk about frustrating too! You see beyond just you and her but to your daughter as well having parents around later in life that are healthy.
What's worse is that your daughter may make the choice later to NOT to active even though you are very active. It's easier if the whole family moves as a single unit.
I've seen several articles written on spousal support in the gym.
* some love it as it's an extension of themselves * others don't like it as they want to do it on their own
Obviously you are walking a delicate line. You want to get your spouse involved in fitness in some capacity. You also know she doesn't like exercise in general (my mom was the same way).
The key is…
To make exercise fun!
Let me explain…
You see, a lot of us find that bench pressing a lot of weight is fun. It makes us feel good. We get sore and we love it. That's fun. At least to me.
But there's many people who find that really boring. Pointless. And not so fun.
In that case, you've got to simply find something that's 'exercise' but fun as well.
Walking, jogging, basketball, tennis, family Frisbee day, trail hiking…
Thing that involve one thing and only one thing….
Get her active in some way without going full blown into a gym and hitting the weights and cardio machines.
There's so many levels of fitness that don't involve weights and cardio equipment. But they all involve movement and activity.
Over the last few years, I've received hundreds of questions about nutrition. Either it's a spouse looking to eat better and he's outnumbered at home or a teen who wants to eat better but his/her parents aren't into it.
The #1 problem with this is…
You may be looking for the other person(s) to take on your healthy lifestyle.
The reason they don't is that it's so easy to make bad choices today (fast food, tv dinners, quick eats).
The #1 solution to the problem is…
COOK for the family.
If you step up and do the shopping and eliminate most of the junk foods and start preparing meals, she'll be literally forced to eat better because you are supplying the effort. The effort to cook, shop and prepare is really a big reason why people eat poorly. Nobody wants to spend the time to do it.
Rather than look to her to join you in this nutritional quest, simply take over and offer to help, shop and cook.
If you start cooking well enough, it will taste quite good and she won't mind at all.
Many people would gladly eat healthy meals if they tasted good and were prepared for them.
As in the case of the teenagers who are looking to their parents to help them with their lifestyles or the spouse who wishes their significant other would eat better…
What nobody does is simply…
You wouldn't be putting her on any diet. You'd simply be eating better.
If it's important to you, then you must do it. And while you're at it, cook a portion for her as well. She'll probably NOT want to invest the effort to cook her own meals if they are already done for her.
So there you have it…
First, find any activity you both can enjoy on a basic level. No guilt. No pushing. Just being active. Let's see if it progresses.
Second, learn all you can about nutrition and eating properly for life (no diets). And shop and cook. Make portions for her. Chances are, she'll just accept it and eat what you are eating because it's there. Find recipes that make healthy foods taste better.
Third, you can throw in subtle hints about how great she looks. What most men do is…
Bring down their wife's self-esteem in an effort to make them better themselves.
As you point out the unhealthy ways, you won't make her suddenly jump from the couch to the gym.
You'll just bring any motivation she had to a screeching halt.
So compliment her. Make her feel good. People who feel good move forward. People who feel bad, usually hide and become depressed.
Do the opposite of what most men would do in this situation.
That is, tell her how GREAT she is, how good she looks and maybe she'll come around to hanging out with you more during your activity.
If you take the usual approach and tell her she needs to workout and she's eating poorly, she'll probably not respond in a positive manner.
For More Information Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat