السبت، 12 مارس 2016

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Mai Adel Rizk changed the type of the group "Style R Us ....." to "Buy, Sell, Trade".

  Mai Adel Rizk changed the type of the group "Style R Us ....." to " Buy, Sell, Trade ". Visit Group Not interested? Leave the group at any time.  
Mai Adel Rizk changed the type of the group "Style R Us ....." to "Buy, Sell, Trade".Not interested?
Leave the group at any time.
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الخميس، 10 مارس 2016

Your Order Tracking Number


We would like to thank you for your order!

Your Online Order Number is: VX746HY

Your order is being processed and your funds will be ready soon.

[Please Proceed To Access Your Account Here]  

To your success,































































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Soheir, you have 99 new notifications, 4 photo tags and 3 friend suggestions

  A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.       Soheir Hasan             8 messages           16 friend requests           3 friend suggestions           4 photo tags           1 like on a post you were tagged in           1 timeline post           99 new notifications    
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الثلاثاء، 8 مارس 2016

Can we talk today (Important)?

I've just been given a heads up that you recently provided your email and details on one of our partners websites.

See the website here

Well the GREAT NEWS is you have been given a $1000 deposit bonus

Click Here to claim yours

If you can do this for me it would be awesome because they have kindly given us a limited number of spaces.

All you need to do to start receiving $1000 plus per day is register at the end of the short video.

Click Here to register for your $1000

This is totally brand new and the results have been nothing short of miraculous.

So do that for me and we'll see you on the next page.



















































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Soheir, you have 99 new notifications, 16 friend requests and 1 timeline post

  A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.       Soheir Hasan             8 messages           16 friend requests           3 friend suggestions           4 photo tags           1 like on a post you were tagged in           1 timeline post           99 new notifications    
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A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed from your friends.
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الأحد، 6 مارس 2016

Dog killed a by a man in a deser


Dog killed a by a man in a desert


man killed a dog in a desert and recording this video



Like Our Page on Facebook  

after a few years his son also died in car accident

any thing you will do its com back to you


DJ doing tricks with Traktor and Virtual DJ MIDI Controller

DJ doing tricks with Traktor and Virtual DJ [New Video]

TouchpadFX product imageA DJ uses his laptop's touchpad to control Traktor and Virtual DJ running on his laptop.

You can turns on effects and looping simply by touching the touchpad.

If you are playing music on MacBook or PC laptop, don't miss this video!

Start Control Dj Software and Enjoy

Click Here to Control Your Favorite Dj Software By Touch



For Windows users

Click Here To Visit TouchpadFX Website!


For Mac OS X users

TouchpadFX is available for Mac OS X and Windows. Our primary customers are the Mac OS X users. The first reason is that most digital DJs are using Apple MacBook computers instead of Windows machines. Secondly, the MacBook touchpads are multi-touch capable and it is much more fun to use TouchpadFX on multi-touch trackpad.

Click Here To Visit TouchpadFX Website!

Click Here to Download TouchpadFX


Source: Virtual MIDI Controller. MIDI Touch Pad

Soheir, you have 99 new notifications, 3 friend suggestions and 8 messages

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