السبت، 25 أغسطس 2012
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الجمعة، 24 أغسطس 2012
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الأربعاء، 22 أغسطس 2012
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الاثنين، 20 أغسطس 2012
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The Truth About Counting Calories And Weight Loss
Do calories matter or do you simply need to eat certain foods and that will guarantee you'll lose weight? Should you count calories or can you just count "portions?" Is it necessary to keep a food diary? Is it unrealistic to count calories for the rest of your life or is that just part of the price you pay for a better body? You're about to learn the answers to these questions and discover a simple solution for keeping track of your food intake without having to crunch numbers every day or become a fanatic about it.
In many popular diet books, "Calories don't count" is a frequently repeated theme. Other popular programs, such as Bill Phillip's "Body For Life," stress the importance of energy intake versus energy output, but recommend that you count "portions" rather than calories…
Phillips wrote,
"There aren't many people who can keep track of their calorie intake for an extended period of time. As an alternative, I recommend counting 'portions.' A portion of food is roughly equal to the size of your clenched fist or the palm of your hand. Each portion of protein or carbohydrate typically contains between 100 and 150 calories. For example, one chicken breast is approximately one portion of protein, and one medium-sized baked potato is approximately one portion of carbohydrate."
Phillips makes a good point that trying to count every single calorie – in the literal sense – can drive you crazy and is probably not realistic as a lifestyle for the long term. It's one thing to count portions instead of calories – that is at least acknowledging the importance of portion control. However, it's another altogether to deny that calories matter.
Calories do count! Any diet program that tells you, "calories don't count" or you can "eat all you want and still lose weight" is a diet you should avoid because you are being lied to. The truth is, that line is a bunch of baloney designed to make a diet sound easier to follow.
Anything that sounds like work – such as counting calories, eating less or exercising, tends to scare away potential customers! The law of calorie balance is an unbreakable law of physics: Energy in versus energy out dictates whether you will gain, lose or maintain your weight. Period.
I believe that it's very important to develop an understanding of and a respect for portion control and the law of calorie balance. I also believe it's an important part of nutrition education to learn how many calories are in the foods you eat on a regular basis – including (and perhaps, especially) how many calories are in the foods you eat when you dine at restaurants.
The law of calorie balance says:
To maintain your weight, you must consume the same number of calories you burn. To gain weight, you must consume more calories than you burn. To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you burn.
If you only count portions or if you haven't the slightest idea how many calories you're eating, it's a lot more likely that you'll eat more than you realize. (Or you might take in fewer calories than you should, which triggers your body's "starvation mode" and causes your metabolism to shut down).
So how do you balance practicality and realistic expectations with a nutrition program that gets results? Here's a solution that's a happy medium between strict calorie counting and just guessing:
Create a menu using an EXCEL spreadsheet or your favorite nutrition software. Crunch all the numbers including calories, protein, carbs and fats. Once you have your daily menu, print it, stick it on your refrigerator (and/or in your daily planner) and you now have an eating "goal" for the day, including a caloric target.
Rather than writing down every calorie one by one from every morsel of food you eat for the rest of your life, create a menu plan you can use as a daily goal and guideline. If you're really ambitious, keeping a nutrition journal at least one time in your life for at least 4-12 weeks is a great idea and an incredible learning experience, but all you really need to get started on the road to a better body is one good menu on paper. If you get bored eating the same thing every day, you can create multiple menus, or just exchange foods using your primary menu as a template.
Using this meal planning method, you really only need to "count calories" once when you create your menus, not every day, ad infinitum. After you've got a knack for calories from this initial discipline of menu planning, then you can estimate portions in the future and get a pretty good (and more educated) ballpark figure.
So what's the bottom line? Is it really necessary to count every calorie to lose weight? No. But it IS necessary to eat fewer calories then you burn. Whether you count calories and eat less than you burn, or you don't count calories and eat less than you burn, the end result is the same – you lose weight. Which would you rather do: Take a wild guess, or increase your chance for success with some simple menu planning? I think the right choice is obvious.
For more information on calories (including how calculate precisely how many you should eat based on your age, activity and personal goals, and for even more practical, proven fat loss techniques to help you lose body fat safely, healthfully and permanently, check out my e-book, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle at <<< Watch This Amazing Video For More Information >>>
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Post Workout Drinks And fat Loss
QUESTION: Dear Tom: I came across a piece of muscle-building advice written on a white board at a Bally's fitness club, posted outside the "advanced" personal training station. I took a picture and attached it to this email. As you can see, it said to ingest whey protein and 60-70 grams of *simple sugars* 30-45 minutes after your workout.
Is there any truth at all to this advice? I take particular exception to point #1… I can't believe eating 60-70 grams of simple sugar at any time can be good for you!
If this is indeed bad advice, I will write Bally's corporate and tell them to stop hurting the public with bad advice from their personal trainers.
What do you think? thanks,
ANSWER: It does seem counter intuitive, but believe it or not, that is standard, and science-based advice for post workout nutrition.
Post workout nutrition has been well researched and there is evidence that taking in simple carbs – usually glucose or dextrose with maltodextrin (plus whey protein) in the form of a post workout drink – is an ideal post workout recovery "meal."
The part about "waiting" 30-45 minutes is the part that is questionable, but that may have been a simple oversight… I think what they meant was to ingest it "within" 30-45 minutes.
Most of the research says that the sooner after the workout you take post workout nutrition, the better (which is why you see so many people these days chugging down workout drinks while still at the gym… in the locker room, etc.)
That said, here is where I will get controversial, because almost everything you read and everyone you talk to these days tries to convince you that if you're not drinking a post workout shake, all the time, regardless of your goals, you are some kind of nut case with a "death wish" for muscle loss.
Post-workout nutrition is very important, no question about that.
The debatable part is whether it's a must to get it in the form of liquid sugar or simple carbs + whey and especially when your goal is maximum fat loss.
After reviewing the research and taking into account real world results (on myself and my clients), my opinion is that a large whole food meal does the job just fine, especially in the context of a 6 meals a day bodybuilding style nutrition program.
I think you could use whole food or a drink and get great results either way.
How you approach post-workout nutrition is going to depend a lot on what your goal is at any given time. If your goal is gaining muscle mass or maximizing endurance training or sports performance, you might approach it differently than if you were on a strict fat-loss program (such as preparing for a fitness or bodybuilding competition).
On a muscle growth program, I would say it's a great idea to take advantage of the commercial post-workout drinks available to you because it's hard to eat enough calories to gain lean body weight.
Among a list of other benefits like increased protein synthesis, decreased exercise-induced cortisol, glycogen replenishment, and improved recovery, post workout drinks provide a convenient and easy way to get more calories and that indeed may help muscle growth.
On endurance programs, recovering from workouts and keeping glycogen stores topped off are important objectives, so again a post workout drink with plenty of carbs – yes, the simple variety – is beneficial.
Where I suggest caution is when you're shifting gears from muscle gain into fat loss.
My personal preference is to continue focusing on the importance of a good post workout meal, but to take my post workout nutrition in the form of solid food with the same complex and natural carbs I eat in all my other meals.
A nutrition and training principle you should always live by is:
"Don't compromise your primary objective."
If your primary objective is fat loss, I can't see taking in a large amount of pure sugar post-workout as a good strategy to maximize your fat loss. It might assist muscle growth, enhance recovery, or help restore your glycogen, but it won't enhance your fat loss.
Keep in mind, however, that you're very unlikely to store calories consumed after intense training as body fat, because your muscles are "hungry" and like sponges for soaking up carbs and protein after the workout, so you don't need to worry about that.
But I can tell you from personal experience as a competitive bodybuilder and fat loss coach that you will almost always get leaner, faster with whole food (especially people with an endomorph body type who are carb sensitive).
This is probably due to the thermogenic nature of whole food and the obvious fact that refined sugar is simply not fat loss food.
Because post workout nutrition is so important and because commercial post workout drinks can be so beneficial in so many ways, one way to tackle this fat loss issue if you're already using a drink, is to leave your post workout drink in during the early stages of your fat loss program and then if your fat loss slows down or you plateau, the drink is the first thing to get cut as you make your fat lossDiet stricter.
As always, adjust your approach NOT by the information you read in the magazines or by the conventional wisdom you hear in the gym, but by the actual results you are getting in the real world.
Also remember that you must adjust your approach according to your goals and slant everything towards achieving your primary objective with maximum efficiency.
You can learn more about nutrition techniques that are designed specifically to maximize fat loss in the Burn The Fat program:<<< Watch This Amazing Video For More Information >>>
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Nutrition Or Training – Which Is More Important?
Legendary bodybuilding trainer Vince, "The Iron Guru" Gironda was famous for saying, "Bodybuilding is 80% nutrition!" But is this really true or is it just another fitness and bodybuilding myth passed down like gospel without ever being questioned? Which is really more important, nutrition or training? This IS an interesting question and I believe there is a definite answer:
The first thing I would say is that you cannot separate nutrition and training. The two work together synergistically. Regardless of your goals – gaining muscle, losing fat, athletic conditioning, whatever -you will get less than-optimal or even non-existent results without paying attention paid to both.
In fact, I like to look at gaining muscle or losing fat in three parts – weight training, cardio training and nutrition – with each part like a leg of a three legged stool. pull ANY one of the legs off the stool, and guess what happens?
In reality, it's impossible to put a specific percentage on which is more important – how could we possibly know such a number to the digit?
Nutrition and training are both important, but at certain stages of your training progress, I do believe placing more attention on one component over the other can create larger improvements. Let me explain:
If you're a beginner and you don't posses nutritional knowledge, then mastering nutrition is far more important than training and should become your number one priority. I say this because improving a poor diet can create rapid, quantum leaps in fat loss and muscle building progress.
For example, if you've been skipping meals and only eating 2 times per day, jumping your meal frequency up to 5 or 6 smaller meals a day will transform your physique very rapidly.
If you're still eating lots of processed fats and refined sugars, cutting them out and replacing them with good fats like the omega threes found in fish and unrefined foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains will make an enormous and noticeable difference in your physique very quickly.
If your diet is low in protein, simply adding a complete protein food like chicken breast, fish or egg whites at each meal will muscle you up fast.
No matter how hard you train or what type of training routine you're on, it's all in vain if you don't provide yourself with the right nutritional support.
In beginners (or in advanced trainees who are still eating poorly), these changes in diet are more likely to result in great improvements than a change in training.
The muscular and nervous systems of a beginner are unaccustomed to exercise. Therefore, just about any training program can cause muscle growth and strength development to occur because it's all a "shock" to the untrained body.
You can almost always find ways to tweak your nutrition to higher and higher levels, but once you've mastered all the nutritional basics, then further improvements in your diet don't have as great of an impact as those initial important changes…
Eating more than six meals will have minimal effect. Eating more protein ad infinitum won't help. Once you're eating low fat, going to zero fat won't help more – it will probably hurt. If you're eating a wide variety of foods and taking a good multi vitamin/mineral, then more supplements probably wont help much either. If you're already eating natural complex carbs and lean proteins every three hours, there's not too much more you can do other than continue to be consistent day after day…
At this point, as an intermediate or advanced trainee who has the nutrition in place, changes in your training become much more important, relatively speaking. Your training must become downright scientific.
Except for the changes that need to be made between an "off season" muscle growth diet and a "precontest" cutting diet, the diet won't and can't change much – it will remain fairly constant.
But you can continue to pump up the intensity of your training and improve the efficiency of your workouts almost without limit. In fact, the more advanced you become, the more crucial training progression and variation becomes because the well-trained body adapts so quickly.
According to powerlifter Dave Tate, an advanced lifter may adapt to a routine within 1-2 weeks. That's why elite lifters rotate exercises constantly and use as many as 300 different variations on exercises.
Strength coach Ian King says that unless you're a beginner, you'll adapt to any training routine within 3-4 weeks. Coach Charles Poliquin says that you'll adapt within 5-6 workouts.
So, to answer the question, while nutrition is ALWAYS critically important, it's more important to emphasize for the beginner (or the person whose diet is still a "mess"), while training is more important for the advanced person… (in my opinion).
It's not that nutrition ever ceases to be important, the point is, further improvements in nutrition won't have as much impact once you already have all the fundamentals in place.
Once you've mastered nutrition, then it's all about keeping that nutrition consistent and progressively increasing the efficiency and intensity of your workouts, and mastering the art of planned workout variation, which is also known as "periodization."
The bottom line: There's a saying among strength coaches and personal trainers…
"You can't out-train a lousy diet!"
If your nutrition program is your weakest area, either because you're just starting out or you simply don't have the nutritional knowledge you know you need to get results, then be sure to take a look at the Burn The Fat program at:
Watch This Amazing Video For More Information
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Learning the Ropes of Photoshop
Learn How to Use Photoshop in Just 2 Hours. Click Here For Details
Color Model: When you hear the term color model we are referring to the method from which we define or classify the color we are to work with. Examples of such are RGB, LAB, CMYK, etc. Color Space: A color space is simply a variation of your color model. For instance, within your RGB framework some common variations are, sRGB, Adobe RGB, and so on. Some of these spaces are better for display e.g. sRGB and Wide Gamut RGB while other color spaces are more suited to printing e.g. ColorMatch RGB and Adobe RGB. Now, it is important to note that every device in our workflow utilizes it's own unique color space. Meaning, while your monitor, scanner, and printer will base their color spaces basically on what we can see their actual gamut (range of colors) will differ. This is where we lose our consistency across devices. This is the problem we must attend to.
This is where professional level CMS's and entry level ones differ. At this point with the entry level you will scan in the printed target and the CMS will actually use the before generated scanner profile to correct the scan, so it can the correct your printed target. A professional level CMS will have a separate hardware device designed specifically for reading printed media targets.
I would recommend using Relative Colorimetric as your Rendering Intent when doing the Convert to Profile step and when printing with Print with Preview out of Photoshop. Rendering intents control how the profile is applied to either the scanner or printed image. Relative Colorimetric has proven to be the best in my testing. Read the documentation that came with your CMS in order to learn more about the other available rendering intents.
For those who do not know, Adobe Photoshop is a program designed to let people edit various images on their computers. Its primary purpose is to let people perform touch ups on pictures before printing them. Of course, each succeeding version of Adobe Photoshop included more and more tools which let people add effects and do various other things to their photographs. The Adobe Photoshop of today actually allows people to add sound and animation to their photographs for sharing on the internet. In the past, people who took bad pictures were stuck with them. A lot of things can go wrong in a picture. There's the usual red-eye, skewed angles, shaky focus and others. Adobe Photoshop was the tool that made all of these things disappear. With Adobe Photoshop, people can take pictures like amateurs and still produce images like pros!
However, like almost any other person who has been held back by the fear that the Photoshop CS might be too sophisticated and complicated to be learned, there is a need to first familiarize with the basic and the advanced functions of the software. Even Adobe Systems recognize the fact that its Photoshop CS offering is challenging to use. Do not fret. There are now numerous ways on how you could easily and conveniently get a tutorial for the software. You would logically not be able to learn how to use the computer program for yourself. However, there are many centers and firms that aim to provide crash courses and lessons for the initiative. Find a personal tutorial center for Adobe Photoshop within your community. Usually, such centers train and educate people about many other computer programs as well. Enroll in such sessions. You would be left to decide whether you would prefer the classroom setup or the personal instruction or the one-on-one session.
Perform non-destructive scaling with Smart Objects. You know how it is: You try to make an imported object larger, and it goes all blurry and pixelated. With Smart Objects, that's a thing of the past, because you can scale, warp and rotate vector graphics in a non-destructive way. Do neat things in perspective with the new Vanishing Point feature. With Vanishing point you can cut and paste in perspective. Now you're able to turn a photograph of a wall into a "virtual art gallery" with all the pictures correctly skewed, or move a window from one side of a building to another and, because the perspective is correct, have it look like it's always been there. You can also draw lines that taper off into the distance – wide nearest the camera, narrow further away – just like in "real life". Get more accurate printing. With Photoshop CS2, the people at Adobe have improved the printing workflow. Now it's even easier to configure your inkjet printer to get more accurate colour printing.
Graphicsoft.about.com: If you like free online tutorials, check out this site. All tutorial video clips are taught by Deke McClelland, who is also the trainer for several Adobe Photoshop CS2 training CDs. He's offering a free sample of his lessons on this site – you won't have everything you need, but the tutorials are enough to teach you some very important things and get you started. Included in the tutorial video clips are: learning about Vanishing Point, Camera Raw, Image Warp, Smart Sharpen Filter, Smart Objects, Adobe Bridge, Match Color and Shadow Highlight Filter. If you want to buy his tutorial videos, you'll get an exclusive 20% discount if you use the promotion code. PhotoshopSecrets – CS2 for Digital Photographers: If you want to learn how to maximize your digital photos with the use of CS2, this video tutorial is for you. Learn how professional photographers produce better-looking photographs and use their tricks to turn your photos from blah to blast. This tutorial video is a CD-ROM format, has 43 lessons and runs approximately 3.5 hours.
For More Information Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
How to Create an Adrenal Rush for a Max Lift Attempt
Jo Jordan Knows How To Access An Adrenal Rush At The Right Time!
Adrenaline, also known as Epinephrine, is a hormone and neurotransmitter. It is secreted into the bloodstream, instantly preparing the body to handle emergency situations-often known as the "fight or flight" response. Stories of how it can give even the most ordinary of people a sudden rush of nearly superhuman strength are not uncommon-a mother lifts an impossibly heavy object in order to free her trapped child, an elderly man delivers a knock-out punch to a would be mugger or a hiker sprints to the top of a tall pine tree to escape a charging bear, and more.
When it's released into the bloodstream the body reacts instantly. The heart starts racing, normal, non-emergency body functions such as digestion cease, glucose levels in the blood increase rapidly and the oxygen supply to the brain and the muscles skyrockets. Most people also report a super-heightened sense of awareness of their situation and their surroundings. Life or death decisions are made with lightning-quick speed and stunning clarity. Without it, humans would have become extinct long ago.
But can the same response be triggered without actually putting ourselves in mortal danger? Is it possible to "flip a switch" and move our bodies into that heightened response, "ready for battle" state at will? Lots of people say that it can be done, using nothing more than the power of our own minds. According to them, all it takes is plenty of discipline and lots of practice.
Epinephrine is temporarily elevated when we exercise at very high intensity levels, which is one of the reasons an intense lifting session can feel so good. At these levels though and with normal training, it's usually enough to make us feel good but not enough to have a significant impact on strength. But if you could control that "adrenalin rush" and bring on an intense burst of epinephrine at will-making the body's energy reserves instantly available-it could really give you an incredible burst of strength for a maximum lift attempt.
There are a number of ways to create an adrenalin (epinephrine) rush in the body without putting yourself in mortal danger. One method is train yourself under conditions that cause your body to release epinephrine. This can mean intense training sessions that push you out of your comfort zone. The keys here are to focus on short bursts of intense training that are outside of your normal comfort zone-this is important. When we're lifting a weight that we know our bodies can handle, the body doesn't need to release that extra burst of epinephrine-fueled energy. It's when we're training in "uncharted" territory that our bodies will have the incentive to give us the boost we need.
Some say that proper breathing techniques can be taught that induce an adrenalin rush. One of these strategies says that learning to control your breathing and matching it to the intensity of your workout can facilitate an adrenalin rush in the body. The theory here is that when we "breathe normally" during an intense training session, our breathing lags behind and the cells wind up with an oxygen deficiency, putting the body somewhat behind the power curve.
Practitioners of this technique say that by matching our breathing-that means breathing hard and deep-to the intensity of our workout from the onset, we can trigger an adrenalin rush. Learning to do this properly will of course require lots of discipline and plenty of practice. You can start by ensuring that you are breathing properly in everything you do. The normal human tendency is to hold our breath when exerting ourselves-for example, doing something as simple as getting up from a chair. When walking, match your inhaling and exhaling to your step. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. The point is to learn to coordinate your breathing with your body's motions.
Visualization is another strategy that some experts say can be used to induce an adrenalin rush. There is an entire school of thought related to visualization techniques, with much of it coming from the martial arts world. Though in any situation, the methodology is essentially the same. It's more complex than it sounds but it boils down to visualizing a previous scenario that triggered an adrenalin rush. It's not just thinking about it though-it entails actually reliving every aspect of the situation in your mind in an effort to induce your body to release bursts of epinephrine into the bloodstream to boost performance.
While the thought of an adrenalin rush for a max lift attempt is appealing, it's not something that everyone can do. Like I said early on, developing the ability to bring one on requires a lot of discipline and even more practice. And though not easy, it can be done. It's important to note though that excessive, long-term releases of epinephrine into the bloodstream will diminish its effectiveness (your body gets used to it) and could lead to health problems. Remember the saying "all things in moderation." But if you think you've got what it takes, it certainly is something that you can learn to do.
More Information About Muscle Building Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Heavy Negatives are Positively a Good Idea
This article will assume that you are trying to increase your strength. If you go to the gym to stay in shape, maintain your strength, or even worse, to avoid getting fat, than don't waste your time reading this. However, if you set your goals for yourself, have an open mind and want to get bigger and stronger than read on.
Negatives can be applied to any exercise to help shock your muscles. They are specifically included in the Critical Bench Program to help you increase your bench press. First lets review what exactly a negative is making sure everybody is on the same page. Using the bench press as an example let's review a negative set. You will load the bar with a weight that is about 40 lbs heavier than your one rep max. (If you don't know your one rep max you can look it up on this chart: http://www.criticalbench.com/chart.htm) Three spotters will be needed. The most important spotter is the one that stands behind you because he will keep his hands on the bar throughout the entire lift. The two remaining spotters will stand on opposite ends of the bar. Of course you will need a lift off unless you plan on turning negatives into a positively bad idea. You will now begin to lower the weight as slowly as positive. At first you'll do fine, but about half way down you'll feel like you are trying to stop the weight from falling. Once the bar touches your chest all three spotters lift the weight to the lockout position where you start again. When you are lifting poundage this heavy only a few reps will be possible so don't feel discouraged.
Okay so why in the world would you want to do this? Won't you look like an idiot in the gym when three people have to pull the weight off your chest? People have even said that the exercise is just an ego booster and doesn't do much for you. Some clowns might even say that you are cheating! Well don't believe any of it. Luckily, I'm here to tell you why negatives are so important.
1. Heavy Negatives Overload the Muscles
Most of us will agree that singles help improve strength because you overload your muscles will heavy poundage that your body is not used to. Based on the same principle, if you do negative sets with even more than your max weight you will overload your muscles even further.
2. Conditioning Your Body
Let me give you a few examples of this. A basketball player who is shooting jump shots while he is wearing ankle weights. A swimmer who does laps wearing pants and a t-shirt. A football player preparing for camp by running in the middle of the afternoon during a 90-degree summer day. A sprinter that runs with a parachute tied to his back. How about a powerlifter that does negatives with a weight that is much heavier than his one rep max. Are you beginning to see the correlation? When you run in 90-degree weather, practice in 80-degree heat doesn't seem so bad. When you shot jump shots with ankle weights, you feel pretty light and explosive when you take them off. When it is time to unload in each situation the body can perform better because it has been strengthened by the overload. You get the point. Let's say your goal is to bench 400 lbs. If you've never tried it, the initial shock might surprise you. If you've felt the weight of 450 lbs and done negative sets with it, your mind and your muscles will be preconditioned to handle the 400 you were aiming for. You've felt heavier weight, making this weight seem lighter. Your muscles need to feel the shock of heavy weight to prepare for a max. So why not take it to the extreme?
3. The Challenge
If your training lacks intensity I'd like to see you have the courage to take this exercise lightly. Actually I wouldn't, but don't worry about it because it's not possible anyhow. Your heart will begin racing, and you will be pumped with adrenaline. Not to mention the fact that you have three people watching you. You'll be ready to perform, because there is no other choice. This is more weight than you've ever lifted in your life, so you will get psyched up for the big challenge. As mentioned earlier, some people call negatives ego boosters. They are partially correct. It does feel good to load the bar with the heavy poundage. Whipping out a few reps will definitely give you confidence when it's time to max out for real. The only difference will be you've felt heavier.
4. Letting It Down Slow
Still not convinced? Let me pull out the textbook for you. The eccentric phase is the opposite of the contraction. For the bench press it is the lowering of the weight. Many bodybuilders treat this phase as an after thought, which they shouldn't because it is very important. Research confirms that the eccentric component of a lift may be more important than the concentric phase for promoting muscle growth. One study showed that, when compared to normal weight training, concentric-only training required twice as many repetitions to produce similar results. With normal weight training, during an eccentric contraction (negative) you lower the same weight with fewer muscle fibers, and that means that each fiber involved has to sustain greater force.
5. Get The Last Laugh
We all know variety is important as well. If you haven't done heavy negatives before than give them a try. It may be just what your muscles are screaming for. If you get funny looks at the gym, don't worry about it. You're not there to impress anybody; you're there to get stronger. The only person you have to look at in the mirror is yourself. The weights will always weigh the same so you can't compete with them. You may want to practice negatives with lighter weight before you jump right into this. Round up a couple buddies and show them why heavy negatives are positively a good idea.
More Information About Muscle Building Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Faith Based Diets: Does God Punish You For Being Fat?
Faith based diets have been around for decades. But is overeating really a sin? Does God punish you for being fat? A recent column in an issue of USA Today answers, "weight loss is hard enough without feeling that the almighty is on your back, too"…
Recently, I was sitting in a wonderful little breakfast "parlor" on Main Street in Santa Monica (California), enjoying a bowl of oatmeal, a mountain of fresh fruit and a "sexy omelette" (the bodybuilder's favorite). There was even a "Schwarzenegger omelette" on the menu – I kid you not! Although the usual dietary temptations are omnipresent everywhere, I noticed a lot more healthy eateries and healthy options on menus out here, which is okay by me! It seems like people are much more health conscious in Southern California compared to back home in the New Jersey/New York City area.
One thing is for sure – people are definitely in better shape. No doubt, it's partly due to the year-round beautiful weather. You can't hide under those winter coats in this weather! When I left Newark airport it was a blustery 37 degrees. It's 77 degrees and sunny as I sit here on my hotel balcony, laptop on my lap, overlooking the palm trees and Pacific ocean.
A friend of mine once said that "Palm trees are God's way of saying, LIVE HERE!"
Speaking of God, that brings me to the subject of this article. As I was finishing up the last few bites of my high protein omelette, I came across an article in USA Today that I simply HAD to pass on to you because it's related to some of the weight loss work I've been recently doing and it bears some important lessons.
The column, written by Christine Whelan, a professor of sociology, said that religious diet groups are growing in number and some of them say that "God might not approve of that second piece of pie." In fact, some of these groups, reported Whelan, warn that God will punish you for overeating and being fat. The Weigh Down Workshop, one of the most "hard-line" of such groups, tells their participants that God will "destroy you" if you abuse your body by overeating.
Well, we've certainly heard of gluttony referred to as a deadly sin, but is this going a little too far?"
I'm not sure what other people think, but I prefer to think of God as a loving God, who does not punish a person in the hereafter for being fat in this life. But then again, why would he have to? He has created a magnificent physical world based on immutable physical laws of cause and effect, reward and consequence, which mete out all the "punishment" needed, right here in this life: diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, osteoarthritis, gout, and even cancer. All of them are linked to obesity. Combined with the emotional pain of being overweight and the lower quality (and sometimes quantity) of life, I'd say that's punishment enough, wouldn't you?
But enough of my theological viewpoint, I found some tremendously valuable practical lessons in the newspaper article.
I don't believe that instilling guilt or fear of eternal damnation is an uplifting way to change behavior. Perhaps it might be effective for some, as fear of consequences can be a powerful motivator. But aren't there more positive ways to achieve behavior modification than hellfire and brimstone?
For example, metaphors are also powerful motivators, especially because metaphors are language that your unconscious mind can understand. Didn't Jesus teach in parables and metaphors? What if you said your body was like a temple? Would you behave differently? Would you look after your "temple" with more care? Those with spiritual beliefs almost certainly would, if they kept that in mind and believed it on a deep level.
In my books, I delve into the emotional, psychological and social aspects of body fat loss.
Some of the chapters are devoted to teaching you how to build a fortress of positive, uplifting, inspiring energy around you in the form of positive, uplifting, and inspiring people. But many of my readers and clients tell me this is easier said than done in their world. "What am I supposed to do when peer pressure from my friends is pulling me down?" "What do I do if my own family won't support my new, healthier choices? What if they keep bringing potato chips, cookies and ice cream into the house?" "What if no one supports me?"
Enter spiritual diet support groups. Not all of these groups are so extreme as to pronounce that being fat is a sin. And as Whelan put it, "religion may be the ultimate trump card of many behavior modification programs."
No matter how independent we are, we all need support in our journeys toward personal improvement. It's the great paradox of succeeding in any endeavor in life – you have to do it by yourself, but you can't do it alone.
Spiritual communities and religious support groups can be the last refuge of support and encouragement for some people. For anyone with spiritual beliefs, these groups may be one of the best places of all to turn for social support. There's your church, synagogue, mosque or other place of worship. There are also organized weight loss support groups.
One such group mentioned in the USA Today article is BABES – Beautiful Accountable Babes Exercising Sensibly. The mission of babes is "connecting with others to lose weight and build friendships." Accountability. Exercising. Connecting with others. That all sounds pretty sensible to me! Moreover, according to BABES co-founder, Barb Swanson, "we are not into sin and judgement. God wants balance and it's more than the size that you are."
Indeed it is. As I have said before, body fat is not a person, it's a temporary physical condition. What we really are is far more than physical bodies.
There's enough guilt, fear and shame for people who are struggling with weight issues already. They don't need any more negativity from their spiritual leaders. Instead, if you are a person of faith, use your spiritual community as a source of social support and inspiration, and motivate yourself by focusing on the positive and uplifting side. It will pay you eternal dividends.
Watch This Amazing Video For More Information
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Fat Loss Workouts That Are Better Than Cardio Exercise
One of the most frustrating sights in the world is watching men and women do the same so-called "fat loss cardio workouts" for months and months without results. It happens more often than it should. In fact, there's rarely anyone in most gyms who is able to lose weight with long, slow cardio.
Even research from the scientific journal, "Obesity" showed that even when men and women do up to 300 hours of cardio exercise per year, they only lose 4-6 pounds of weight. That just isn't worth it! No one has time to do 50 hours of cardio in order to lose one pound of weight.
That's why you need fat loss workouts that are better than cardio. Research and experience proves that interval training (and even high intensity weight training) is better for burning belly fat than long, slow cardio. Plus, interval training workouts are fun, fast, and more enjoyable. You'll save time, lose more weight, and build a fit, functional body with these fat loss workouts.
Cardio exercise machines are NOT optimal, but if you must…
First, if you are stuck exercising inside a commercial gym for your workout, you can use traditional cardio machines for interval training.
An easy to do interval training program is to do a 5-minute warm-up followed by six intervals of 30-60 seconds of hard exercise, alternated with 60 seconds of easy exercise. Then you cool down for 5 minutes and you're done. That's less than half the time that most people spend on machines doing long, slow cardio.
After a warm-up, do a one minute "work interval" where you will exercise harder than normal cardio. After one minute, decrease the intensity all the way down to a cool-down level for one minute. Repeat the hard-easy combo up to 6 times and then finish with a cool down. That is the simplest way to do interval training.
If you normally run at 6 miles per hour on the treadmill for 30 minutes, you can do your first interval workout by running at 7 miles per hour for 1 minute and then walking at 3.5 miles per hour for 2 minutes. That's a conservative place to start with interval training. You'd repeat that "hard-easy" protocol 6 times in an interval training workout (after a warm-up and followed by a cool-down).
The best cardio machines (if you must use indoor cardio machines) for fast interval training fat loss workouts are the treadmill and stationary cycle. Rowing machines and elliptical (cross-trainers) are ok, but in my experience, the treadmill and bike are best.
Best Alternative Workouts to Traditional Cardio Exercise
Most people enjoy getting out of the gym or doing alternative fat loss interval training workouts (instead of boring cardio workouts inside a stuffy gym). You can use a kettlebell, your bodyweight, a skipping rope, or medicine ball for interval workouts in just a small space in your home or garage. You don't need to go to a big, fancy, expensive commercial gym to burn fat or get long term weight loss success.
Plus, it's easier to experiment with different interval training workout programs when you don't have to deal with intensity settings on cardio machines. After all, it's next to impossible to do the popular Tabata interval workouts on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical machine.
In the Tabata intervals, you work hard for 20 seconds and then recover for 10 seconds, and you repeat that 8 times. That makes for a fast and effective 4-minute tabata workout, not including warm-up and cool-down. You just can't do that on a cardio machine, but it works perfectly for kettlebells and medicine ball exercises, as well as bodyweight circuits.
Bodyweight training is the most underappreciated fat loss workout option. Most folks are drawn to fancy equipment, but mostly because the equipment often makes the workout easier. Moving your own bodyweight is tough, and keeps you honest!
In the Turbulence Training bodyweight cardio circuits, you'll use 6-8 bodyweight exercises, alternating between a lower body exercise and an upper body exercise, before finishing the circuit with a fast total body exercise such as running in place, burpees, or jumps.
In the circuits, you'll do 6-20 repetitions per exercise depending on your fitness level. Once you complete the circuit, rest for one minute, and then repeat the circuit 1-3 more times. If you are new to bodyweight circuits, just do two total circuits.
The great news is that in most cases, you don't need a single piece of equipment to do these fat burning bodyweight workouts, so you can do them in a hotel room, your garage, or even in front of the TV.
Now you have lots of fun, fast, effective fat loss workouts that are better than cardio!
Click to learn more about the patented Turbulence Training Fat Loss System of Workouts
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
BMI Charts, Not So Bad After All
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It's a quick and easy reference guide for researching and categorizing health and disease risk factor with body fatness. It's very simple to use because a researcher or health care provider only needs to know your height and weight.
The BMI chart was created over 100 years ago as a way of charting body 'fatness' or 'thinness'. With the influence of Ancel Keys (visionary scientist way ahead of his time) BMI became a prominent tool in the 1970s for assessing population health risks.
There is a criticism that the BMI doesn't account for different 'frame' sizes of people (endomorphs and ectomorphs) or athletes who have built up their muscles to a much larger degree than the regular population. Both of these criticisms seem to be weak as true ectomorphic or endomorphic people are very rare . . . in other words, for most of the population the BMI works just fine, and that was the point in the first place.
The athlete argument doesn't hold much water either, as they represent a very small percentage of the population and many of them use steroids and other drugs that artificially elevate their lean body mass. In other words, the BMI was never meant to be applied to people taking steroids and GH.
So what about 'natural' athletes and bodybuilders who don't use drugs but just build lots of muscles? Surely they wouldn't be in the 'normal' BMI range . . . right? Maybe not!
My bodyweight fluctuates between 180 – 183lbs. In both cases I am still within the normal BMI range. And this is where the argument about athletes being in the 'overweight' BMI range because of increased muscle mass falls apart for me.
I don't think I look too small or lacking in muscle development. In fac, I've spent the past 15 years trying to build as much muscle as I can . . . and I still fall within the 'normal' BMI range. If anyone was a candidate for being 'overweight' due to muscle mass I thought surely I would be it . . . but nope, I'm still 'normal'.
So the argument that athletes can build enough muscle to somehow push them out of the normal BMI range seems a bit wonky to me (unless of course they are using steroids or were true endormorphs to begin with . . . which is an exceedingly small portion of the population). I don't think I could get much bigger, nor do I think I need to be much bigger.
The problem people have with the BMI is not the chart itself, but what the chart means to them. The chart is meant to show 'fatness' and categorize it as normal or abnormal on both the high and low end. The key word here is 'normal'.
What should be normal for most human bodies and what has become normal in modern western societies are two different things.
The BMI chart shows what should be normal, not what is currently considered normal.
If most of the population is overweight (according to the BMI chart) the error in logic could be that the population is right and the BMI chart is wrong.
I think many people have a sharp emotional reaction to things like the BMI chart because it categorizes you in a way that feels discriminatory and prejudicial. Of course there is no emotion behind the BMI chart, it's just a mathematical equation . . . but there is some thought and research into it, it's not just a random idea, so you know there is some validity to the category you've been placed in according to the chart. And this is why it bothers people. If there is some good reason why you are categorized as 'overweight' then you're faced with the following dilemma about your belief in the normalcy of your current body size:
Either the chart is wrong, or you are wrong.
It's much easier to dismiss the chart as being inaccurate and not useful for your specific body shape and size or whatever excuse you like, than it is to accept the fact that perhaps you're in fact simply overweight.
The final point on this topic is the view from being in the normal category vs the overweight or obese categories.
I used to be much heavier than I am now and I used all the same excuses explaining away the BMI as antiquated and outdated and didn't account for the mountains of muscle I had built over the years yadda yadda. In reality, I was just fat.
Once I went through my cut down and got rid of all the excess weight I ended up right where the BMI chart predicted me to be at the high end of the normal range . . . which makes perfect sense as I've built as much muscle as I can without drugs.
If I'm currently in the normal category, and I've spent my whole life trying to build muscle, and all of my measurable health markers are in very good shape, and I'm happy with the look and shape of my body, and I have a golden Adonis Index ratio . . . then how is it possible for me or anyone with roughly my frame (which is average) to actually be in the overweight category without simply having more fat mass on their body and subsequently looking worse than I do right now?
In other words, if some people suggest the BMI cutoff for 'overweight' is too low, then what does that make me in these pictures? Underweight?
Or is it that people who don't like the category the chart puts them in have an immediate reaction of dismissing the chart as being wrong instead of heeding the guidance it provides to lose some weight. This of course is cognitive dissonance at its finest.
For anyone who is in the 'normal' range the BMI chart seems to make perfect sense. It seems to me that if more people were in the normal range there wouldn't be any argument at all about the BMI chart. With that said I think it's entirely possible to be in the 'overweight' category and in perfect health and look good. But I think this designation applies to a rare group of people who have the ability to build very impressive muscle mass drug free. For the majority of the population the standard BMI chart still seems to be just fine.
For More Information Click Here
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat
Are You Addicted to Overly-Aggressive Food Tastes? This Could Be Making You Fatter
If you've been a newsletter subscriber of mine for some time, you've probably noticed that I like to talk about food… and healthy eating in particular. I've always said that healthy eating does NOT have to be boring and bland, and if you know a few preparation tricks, can actually be exciting and delicious.
Many people seem to falsely believe that they'll never be able to get lean if they don't eat what is thought to be typical bodybuilder fare — dry plain chicken breasts, plain broccoli, tuna fish, oatmeal, etc. If you've read my newsletters for some time, you know that I'm against this type of boring menu, and like to give healthy meal ideas that have a little more appeal.
However, here is one of the most important things you can do for yourself if you want to eat healthier for life and make it a HECK OF A LOT easier to get lean and stay that way permanently…
Learn to adjust your taste buds to enjoy the natural unadulterated taste of real food — unprocessed foods!
This is one of the main problems that I see so many people face with being able to control their eating… they have grown up with processed foods and additives that are excessively AGGRESSIVE TASTES.
All of this massive onslaught of overly aggressive tastes have rendered most people's taste buds senseless when it comes to the natural taste of real unprocessed foods.
I was having brunch with a couple friends recently and I noticed one of them dumped this huge heaping spoonful of sugar into their coffee. I can't even imagine being able to gag down a coffee that was so heavily loaded with sugar.
Even diet drinks (which I'd never drink because of the harmful artificial sweeteners) are so excessively sweet these days, they're not even refreshing. I can't understand how people can drink something that tastes like pure syrup.
It's funny but one of my recommendations when people ask for my advice with their eating habits is to give up drinking a sweetened drink with their meals (this means no diet drinks either)… they look at me like I'm crazy and say "How can I possibly eat a meal without a soda or a diet soda?"
If you're addicted to drinking a sweet drink with every meal, it would be a wise decision to start to wean yourself off of them and drink water or unsweetened iced tea instead.
Here's a quick quiz to see if you're officially addicted to overly aggressive tastes:
1. If given the choice, would you choose:
a. sausage or hot dog
b. steak, burger, or chicken breast
2. Do you prefer:
a. sweetened hot tea, iced tea, or coffee (with added sugar or artificial sweeteners)
b. unsweetened tea or black coffee
3. If given a choice for dessert, do you prefer:
a. cake, pie, or ice cream
b. a piece of fruit
4. If you like chocolate, do you prefer:
a. milk chocolate
b. extra dark chocolate
I could think of more, but that'll do for now… If you answered a's more than you answered b's, then you may be addicted to overly aggressive food tastes, and that could be making you pack on more pounds indirectly.
One of the main problems is that needing to eat aggressive tasting foods means that all of that extra salt, MSG, added processed fats, sugars, and artificial sweeteners are playing havok with your hormones, and making you crave extra calories that your body doesn't need.
Don't worry though, it CAN be easy to wean yourself off of these aggressive tastes. I've successfully done it.
About 5 years ago, I'd have called you crazy if you said I'd ever be drinking unsweetened tea or black coffee… I always needed to add a sweetener back then… but now, I actually PREFER to drink them both unsweetened.
What I did was just slightly reduce the amount of sweetener I added over time, and eventually I got used to using none, and actually started to prefer the natural taste of coffee or tea instead of just tasting the sweetness.
Now you can start to see how this all ties back into enjoying the REAL taste of food instead of the ADDITIVES in food!
My healthy eating recommendations for your leaner healthier body:
Even doing just some of these simple tips can help you to change your tastes over time and help to overcome your addiction to the overly aggressive tastes that food marketers have pushed on us our entire lives.
I hope these ideas help you to eat healthier, and enjoy food more!
Watch This Amazing Video For More Information
Source 4 Foods Never To Eat