
يهتم بنشر المقررات التربوية إلكترونياً، ونشر الأبحاث والدراسات والمؤتمرات المتخصصة في مجال اصول التربية.ثقافية,تربوية
For the December 20th, (0.721.1) current early access steam version. Several of the address seem static so hopefully the static ones work for you as they don't have pointers and they have stuck thru numerous reboots and loads. I don't plan on updating this monster if it gets patched again until maybe the final but hopefully someone else can. Burnt out on this one. Anyway lots of AOB so hopefully some of it will work with future patches. On the light weapon enhancement super boosts if the RANGE is low just mount and unmount an enhancement that boosts range to fix it (like Niosha III) and then you can unmount it and it should stick. Same with the Super boost shield enhancement - just choose an enhancement that boosts the stat you are missing and unmount and it should stick. For the other enhancements they only boost the current stats of the installed enhancement (must have the enhancement currently mounted to work.) Superspeed option has a hotkey of Alt+S to activate. You can edit the amount of speed by opening up the script and changing the 10000 to anything you like if its too fast for you. You can fly across the entire map pretty quickly with 50000. Author: gid2525 Short Documentaries
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Options: - God Mode - Full Ammo - Minimum Leadership (GM) - Fast Recover of Winds of Magic (new) - Minimum Treasure - Unlimited Action Points - Recover Troop Size/Hero HP - Research in 1 turn - Recruitment in 1 turn - Construction in 1 turn - Minimum Public Order - Minimum Pop Surplus - Level almost complete (sel hero XP) - Hero can Act Again - Minimum Amber Per Settlement - Minimum Event Total Amber - Some Pointers Author: Recifense Short Documentaries
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Options: F1 - Inf. Health F2 - No Reload F3 - Inf. Gadget F4 - Inf. Ammo F5 - Inf. Silencer F6 - Inf. Focus F7 - Inf. Credit F8 - Inf. Fire Resourses F9 - Inf. Ammo Resourses F10 - Inf. Tools Resourses F11 - Inf. Chip Resourses F12 - Inf. Can Resourses Short Documentaries
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MyTeamPlan is web based Project Management Software that supports the division of projects into tasks and subtasks allowing them to be tracked on Kanban style boards, lists and calendars. Short Documentaries
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WAB Import into Outlook along with the information Home, Business and many more.Swiftly Change WAB to PST Files in few steps that too without any external help. Short Documentaries
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This is a simple calculator for 2 numbers. It can add, subtract, Short Documentaries
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You can now check in a whole group of documents all at once. Possibility is also given to upload & simultaneously check in multiple documents, even to edit the values of the columns as documents are checked in. Short Documentaries
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