الثلاثاء، 7 أغسطس 2012

Photoshop Video Tutorial To Create Professional Looking Photos- (Learn Photoshop Now Is Also On DVD)

Do you have a passion for photography but your photos fail to create a buzz? Do you have a burning desire to become a professional photographer? If you can answer yes to any of these questions I have the solution you have been looking for, Adobe Photoshop.

A seldom spoke of secret among professional photographers is their use of Adobe Photoshop to edit their photos. Not even professional photographers take perfect photos 100% of the time, even they fall prey to common problems such as red eye, finger over the lens, poor lighting, etc. Take a tip from the professionals and let Adobe Photoshop turn your ordinary photos into extraordinary ones.

Don't let your average photos get you down, do what the professionals do and rely on Adobe Photoshop to fix these problems. Not only can Photoshop fix red it, it can even "fix" your subject, turning even the most ordinary subject into a super model. Have you ever wondered how so many models can look so perfect each and every time? Photoshop easily removes zits, wrinkles and other imperfections and is basically the perfect "airbrush". Is your subject overweight, too old or too young, over dressed or underdressed … Photoshop is so good that it can instantly remove 50 pounds, making your subject look like a super model and with a bit of work you can even change their outfit.

This Photoshop tutorial will now reveal a few tricks that you can use to change your photos from ordinary into extraordinary digital memories by using Adobe Photoshop Software.

Red eye is a common problem and I want to show you how you can fix it using Photoshop. It doesn't matter if you have the most expensive, advanced camera on the market, red eye will still plague you from time to time. Built into Photoshop is a red eye tool that will automatically identify and get rid of red eye, not only from your human subjects but your pets as well. ( This can also be viewed as a Photoshop video tutorial).

Unfortunately we don't always have the best lighting possible when we take our photos; fortunately we have Photoshop which contains all the tools that we need to create brighter and clearer photos with more vibrant colors. With a click on the mouse the automatic tools will clean up your image as well as improve its overall appearance. Using a slider you can adjust the brightness and contrast thereby making it look as if your photo was taken during the best possible lighting conditions. You can also manually adjust your photos color settings thereby giving you the sharpest and cleanest appearance of the image as possible. ( This can also be viewed as a Photoshop video tutorial).

Want to remove an item that is distracting the eye from your subject? Easily edit out unwanted objects and replace them with any background you choose. Was someone absent from your group shot? Easily add them in as well as any background or other item you wish, again with a few simple clicks of the mouse.

These items are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the things you can do using Adobe Photoshop. Hopefully you can now understand how even amateur photographers can take professional quality photographs. Using Adobe Photoshop you can turn your ordinary photos into extraordinary works of art.

Get this free report and discover our totally unique step-by-step Photoshop Video Tutorial training system, designed to make any newbie user completely competent with the basics of any Adobe Photoshop Software in record time:

For More Information Click Here

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