الاثنين، 20 أغسطس 2012

What Happens To Food After It Gets Swallowed?

Below is a shortlist of vital principles one MUST follow when trying to either get ripped by reducing their body fat levels or get big by building lean muscle.


Foods containing protein CANNOT be stored within your body. This means that when they are digested after eating they are either utilized by your body or removed shortly after.

Protein is the building block of muscle tissue and food protein's main responsibility is the repairing and regeneration of damaged (micro-torn) muscle fibers.

So let's say you were to eat 3 chicken breasts and a side serving of vegetables for dinner one night, what would happen to that food?

The outcome of that food comes directly down to whether or not your body has a need for a fresh supply of protein. This need is often brought on from exercise, whether that be aerobic or anaerobic forms of training. Exercise forces stress on the muscle which results in muscle fibers being fatigues and microscopically damaged. 

The fresh protein source from your dinner then takes over and begins the repair process.

The number one thing I want you to learn from this is that protein is only beneficial when your body requires it, otherwise it goes to waste.


Can be your bodies greatest source of fuel or your bodies biggest nightmare.

To use another practical example, let's say you have a bowl of wholegrain pasta with your favorite tomato based sauce for lunch one day, what happens to that food once it gets swallowed?

Carbohydrates are complex nutrients which once digested form something called 'glucose', this is then freely distributed around the body and glucoses stored form within your muscles is called 'glycogen'.

These simple sugars are your bodies most reliable source of short and long term energy, even more so when exercising. Although carbohydrates are practically essential for wellbeing, they don't come without a warning label.

You see, carbohydrates CAN be stored within your body, meaning that if your body has a supply of carbohydrates too large for what is directly required, they can be stored in places you certainly don't want them.

Using my example from above, let's say that your bowl of pasta has 200g of carbohydrates. Now let's say that your body/muscles only require 150g of this energy to start direct action (protein synthesis for example). This then means that there are 50g of carbohydrates left in your system with nowhere to go. So what happens to them?

This energy source must be moved to a storage facility, and guess where that is? Sorry to say, but that excess energy is stored within your fat cells.

Your fat cells will never say no to stored energy, that's why it can be so easy for many people to gain fat fast, but not muscle and that's the exact reason why people who are on bulking phases seem to also gain excess fat which is caused from the left over energy in carbohydrates.


Believe it or not but fats are an excellent source of exercise energy!

There are many different types of fats including, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, EFA's and TFA's but I won't get into that today, the most important thing is to know if and how fats can be a benefit within your results based meal plan.

Fats have 9kcal (calories) of energy per 1g. Compared to 4kcal of energy per 1g for proteins and carbohydrates.

This means that fat is only required in much smaller amounts than carbohydrates for you to receive their energy driven benefits.

So how can fats benefit your health?

Choosing the right fats like EFA's (essential fatty acids) (omega 3&6) can contribute to increased antioxidant levels, vitamin efficiency and most importantly can be used as a primary source of energy during exercise, just like carbohydrates. 

The major thing I want you to remember is that excess fat in your diet WILL contribute to added levels of 'subcutaneous fat' (the skin fat we all notice), but well measured levels of fat in your diet will provide you with an energy source for exercise and muscle regeneration far greater than most other sources.

Fat has been labeled the devils food for many years, but I'm telling you now, the right amounts of healthy fats in your diet can you give you that extra growth spark your body may just need!


In my time coaching clients with their eating habits, I've found that having the knowledge of foods in one thing but being able to apply that knowledge to the way one eats is what really gets people results.

A well structured meal plan is created by fully understanding your current condition, creating the realistic goals you wish to achieve and combining together the ideal macronutrient timings and serving sizes to activate the appropriate hormonal reactions each and every day of the week.

Supply your body with sufficient energy, use that energy accordingly during training and watch how fast your body can change!

For More Information Click Here

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

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