الأربعاء، 1 مارس 2017

Research in microbiology - Madrid, October

BioMicroWorld2017 Conference
Dear colleague,

You are cordially invited to participate in the VII International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2017, which will be held in Madrid (Spain) from 18 to 20 October 2017.

This three-day conference will offer an excellent opportunity for researchers from a broad range of academic disciplines to present, exchange and disseminate information and experiences in the fields of industrial microbiology, biotechnology, environmental sciences, food and medical microbiology and other related fields. Have a look at the detailed list of topics proposed for the conference.

BioMicroWorld2017 consolidates a series of conferences, whose last edition was attended by around 515 researchers from more than 65 countries. We expect this year’s edition to be as successful as the previous one in terms of quality, relevance and attendance.

If you are interested in presenting your most relevant recent research results at the conference, we now welcome proposals for oral, poster or virtual presentations.
Submit your abstract
Important deadlines
  • 31 May: early registration
  • 27 June: abstract submission (for oral presentation)
  • 20 July: abstract submission (for poster and virtual presentation)
  • 5 September: late registration
Join us in Madrid!

The city has an impressive cultural and architectural heritage, which includes not only grand avenues, squares, buildings and monuments, but also world-class art galleries and museums. On top of that, Madrid is renowned for gastronomic delights and a busy, lively nightlife lasting up until dawn.

The conference will be held at the Faculty of Medicine (Complutense University of Madrid).

The proceedings of the meeting will be formally released as a book that will be published by BrownWalker Press, which will ensure an adequate international distribution and availability of the book. Deadline for full paper submission: 2 November 2017. More info here

The proceedings of the previous edition, titled 'Microbes in the spotlight: recent progress in the understanding of beneficial and harmful microorganisms', were published in 2016. Have a look at the table of contents of this book.
We look forward to receiving your abstract and meeting you in Madrid.
Contact details: Aurora Solano
BioMicroWorld2017 Conference
e-mail: conference@biomicroworld2017.org
Phone: +34 924 25 86 15
Organizer: Formatex Research Center
Zurbaran 1, 2nd floor, office 1,
Badajoz, 06002, Spain
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