السبت، 30 يونيو 2012

Excellent Photoshop Video Tutorial To Restore Old Photos

Now you might find this a lot more clearer to achieve when watching the Photoshop Video Tutorial, but just read on and find out just how easy it is to restore you old photos with Photoshop.

If your old photographs are looking worn and tired don't fear. Historic photos serve as amazing links to our past and preserving them is vital to maintain those great memories. Regrettably, like most things in life, their quality doesn't last forever and as time passes colors fade. There might be damage due to sunlight. Perhaps they have water stains or tears due to years of handling. Thankfully Adobe Photoshop comes well equipped with tools that can help us quickly revive these precious treasures.

Having your photos restored professionally can be somewhat expensive depending on the amount of wear and tear. Another factor in having them professionally restored is the fact that you are handing over your precious memories to a complete stranger.

Thankfully, with a bit of work, you can use Adobe Photoshop to restore your photos yourself. If you have access to a scanner all you need to do is scan your photos into your computer whereby you can then begin the restoration process. Below I have listed some techniques you can use to restore your photos.

The first step will be to create a digital version of your photograph using a scanner. Once you have done this you will want to open up Photoshop and the click on file and open then locate your photo to open it up in the program. At this point I recommend that you save your photo under a different name, in essence making a copy of your digital scan.

Once this has been done you can now begin the photo restoration process. I want to reiterate that you will want to make your changes to the copy of the photograph, not the original digital version.

The smudge tool is one of the most useful for restoring photographs. You can use the smudge tool to fix any tears in your photo. The smudge tool also can erase any blemishes as well, including moisture stains and sun damage. You can use it to repair any tears and improve the overall appearance of your photograph.

Another common problem with photos is lighting issues. Using the brightness and contrast panel you can easily adjust the lighting and create a more crisp, clear version of your original. There are a variety of other tools that are Included in the program that will help you enhance and restore your photograph.

I hope these few tips have convinced you that you can use Photoshop to restore your precious photos. The tools mentioned above are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what Photoshop is capable of doing. After practicing a bit with these tools and others you will soon be taking ordinary photos and making them extraordinary. After a bit of practice on your part your friends will be asking you to restore their old photographs.

Restoring old photographs is only one small task you can accomplish using with Photoshop. Easily edit and enhance your photographs using this amazing program. Quickly turn your photos from ordinary into extraordinary with Adobe Photoshop.

Just Click Here To Master Adobe Photoshop In Just 2 Hours With This David Peters Photoshop Video Tutorial Course – Guaranteed (Even If You're A Total Newbie)!!!

Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

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